Geo Realm How About A Walk? Brothers Campfire

Hello Friends! 

I am still playing Geo Realm, a GPS game that I did a brief review on. 

It is like a Fitbit to me in that I am incentivized to get out and walk while recruiting troops to take over castles. 

Walking Is Beneficial For Me!

I am a graph and numbers guy, so it is not for everyone. I do like that I can play this game just by carrying my phone. I do not have to continue looking at it. 

I do like to look at my high score!

I would like all my friends to play it if it is their thing, but right now I am looking for castle name suggestions. (That is a nice way of saying, try it!)

I want your suggestions! If you like numbers and walking, Download the thing and and let me know so we can team up!

If you have a name suggestion, I will likely use it on my game and perhaps on my maps for later stories. 

It’s because I want to put YOU on the map!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

20 thoughts on “Geo Realm How About A Walk? Brothers Campfire

  1. Ishaan Sharma says:

    How about Fort Iron and Fort Eagle? They are the names of two of the many major forts in my story. I know, too cliched, but I prefer simple names over strange words which make no meaning.

          1. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I would like to know how exactly you make maps for your world? My latest post is asking the same question from my readers. Having checked out my old map, you would have noticed that it lays no emphasis on features like forests etc. Do you use some software?

          2. Benjamin says:

            I sent you an email about a program called Inkarnate. Check your spam. I might write a post about it to assist others.

          3. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Thanks a lot! Just yesternight when I was about to fall asleep, A whole world magically popped up in my mind. That was a great moment, cause the image of that world changed my story by a huge extent. But then I was stuck making useless hand drawn makes which made no sense. No I can make a proper one. Thanks!

          4. Benjamin says:

            Hand drawn has value in immersion. You are doing an awesome job worldbuiding. Keep up the great content and don’t stop writing!!!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Naming things can be tough. I do need a fictional Native American tribe name if you can think of one. Perhaps the

      1. rue202 says:

        Oh, that’s awesome (cause it has my name ‘rue’ in it 🙂 )
        Yeah, go with that!

          1. rue202 says:

            Oh, yeah, just went back and looked. You’re right! Give ’em that name! It’s the best around XD

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