Brothers Campfire Housekeeping and Construction

Hello Friends! 

In my last post I was asked by Cassa Bassa and Ishaan Sharma if they could read my site fully in the WordPress Application. On a PC, I am pretty sure you can view it from the Reader, but not so much on Android. I have reached out to Herb Thiel and WordPress to see if this can be done. WordPress Reader has not shown much kindness in indexing my categories and tags, either, so I am a little grumpy with them. I will ask, do these look better on the WordPress App or on the web?

Dark and dreary setting a tone
Choice of Font and Heading
The ability to share on other platforms. I did not know I could pin your work, Ishaan. I apologize for not checking.
You Are Pinned Friend!!!!!


Yesterday, I posted a photo of an exotic breakfast and did not know what to call them. They are called Korean Street Eggs.

I enjoyed them again this morning. Thanks again, Beloved!

The ingredients include, Eggs,cheese, cabbage,carrots,garlic,ginger and Korean hot sauce. 

This is on point!!!!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

56 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Housekeeping and Construction

  1. Peter Wyn Mosey says:

    I can see things fine in Android reader. I’m having similar problems with .org. tags are not seen in reader. I’m not even sure that any of my posts are showing up in reader at all

        1. Benjamin says:

          I stared 3 to 5 things hours ago. Got an error 404? I think. I am not near my phone but will use this thread to let you know.

          1. Peter Wyn Mosey says:

            When you check again, let me know the URL it directs to. I saw some page views at the now defunct temp URL I got from Bluehost before domain moved over.

          2. leendadll says:

            fyi that I just got “webpage not available” for a site. Subsequent clicks showed a blank page. So whatever was buggy yesterday is still messed up today.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I will check in a couple hours for you and let you know for Android

  2. leendadll says:

    I mainly use the phone app these days but sites with custom address, and for some reason an occasional photo, only open in web view.

      1. leendadll says:

        It looks fine but that doesn’t mean anything.
        WP frequently gets buggy when they’re rolling out changes in the background.

          1. leendadll says:

            I mean the wp edit comment button, not your blog design… I lost track of which change we were discussing.

      2. leendadll says:

        Judt confirmed wp was making updates. The app now displays more buttons when viewing a comment. I feel like it only showed reply before. Now there’s Approval status, spam, reply, trash, and edit.

        I’m gonna edit something to see what happens.

  3. leendadll says:

    I found Android, not just wp, being wonky today. Links don’t seem to be launching a browser, or I get a blank page. But they work fine if I type in the address.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Great! I look forward to being the second best Dumbest Blogger

  4. rue202 says:

    I can know view your whole posts on Reader instead of only an excerpt like before where I’d actually have to go onto the site itself to finish reading the post, so thank you.
    It’s easier with a PC then using a mobile, I’ve noticed, as you have more room on the PC screen than that small mobile screen. But that’s just me.
    Nice breakfast!

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am glad you like it! Personally, it saddens me a little as I worked so hard on making my site just so. I will get over it though! Thank you for the insight!!!

    2. leendadll says:

      Same here… see whole posts instead of except + link, in Reader on phone.
      The other way didn’t bother because a lot of other people I follow are displayed the same.

      1. rue202 says:

        It’s annoying when we only get an excerpt + link, to tell you the truth. I’m relieved that my blog doesn’t do that – if it suddenly did, I wouldn’t know how to fix it, LOL!

        1. Benjamin says:

          Well, hopefully it is resolved. If you ever have than concern, I know how to fix it so let me know!

          1. leendadll says:

            A lot of blogs show up that way so I thought it was an automatic setting within the app. Is that not correct? Were you using the “show excerpt” option?

          2. leendadll says:

            I’ve seen it on the full/desktop version. I just found something similar in the app but it’s a pain to access/use.

  5. Ishaan Sharma says:

    I wonder what exactly the pinning thing is? Is it pinterest? Sorry I rarely use networks other than wordpress and am unsure.

  6. leendadll says:

    Very bad wp update… not only can I now easily edit comments on my blog (always possible but took effort, now there’s an option at the bottom of the comment but…
    I can also easily edit replies to me on other blogs… like this one.
    See my post for screenshots.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Wow. That is different. I can easily edit comments. I do not think that it fosters trust, however.

      1. leendadll says:

        I think it was a mistake or temp thing due to updates. I’m no longer seeing it.

      2. leendadll says:

        I take that back. I’m still seeing it for some comments. I haven’t investigated but it looks like it’s back to only comments on my blog – so, same as what was always there but used to be less obvious. I’ve never liked the option. It’s okay to let me delete a comment but I shouldn’tbe able to edit something I didn’t write.

        I’ve wanted to be able to edit comments I’ve left… correct typos or delete things. That would be a value-added feature!!

        1. Benjamin says:

          I have edited grammar and spelling, deleting correction comments to streamline things, but often. I leave it alone.

          1. leendadll says:

            Same. I feel it’s not my place to change what other’s wrote unless they ask me to do so.

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