Brothers Campfire Honors Those Who Lost Their Lives At Pearl Harbor.

Hello. Benjamin From Brother’s Campfire here. Today, I would like to give honor to our veterans who served in all branches of the U.S. military.

I get choked up when I think about the price men paid to make our country great. On December 7th, 1941, 2,403 men made the ultimate sacrifice.

In Chapter 85 of the Ongoing Tale, titled The Lady From The Harbor, Galvin the Bard honored veterans and I pulled a poem from the story. It is fictional but has meaning.

Venerable Veterans, I look at the lattice and am reminded of arbor,

And look at fine faces and think about harbor.

Our defenses were down and dragons did fly.

The attack was unexpected, we were surprised,

Fire and mayhem beset each ship and each sail.

Men drowned and did burn flesh melded to mail.

Men lost and trapped in water below Tried to escape and lost their air flow.

The tapping from under was heard from attop,

For weeks it went on, then it did stop.

A lady she stood at the dock and did greive.

She lifted a torch and shouted. Freedom, Believe!

We gathered together in saddened remorses.

Assembled ourselves and mustered our forces.

We went to the land from whence fear did assail,

Demanding victory we put boot in dragon’s tail.

We encountered the fierce,

and we were much fiercer

We cut down the cowards

with sharp pointed piercers!

It is an honor to honor you fine veteren men,

Invite me next year and I’ll honor you again.

To all branches of the military, Thank you for your service.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

32 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Honors Those Who Lost Their Lives At Pearl Harbor.

  1. David M. Green says:

    One of younger brothers served on the USS Guam – a Marine helicopter and troop transport ship. He served during Reagan’s term as president and his ship was one of those involved in the invasion of Granada to liberate US medical students.

    My son also turns 37 today as he was born December 7, 1981.

      1. David M. Green says:

        He is 37 mis-typed the date – he was born in 1983. My wife and I were married November 22, 1981. Thank you for pointing out my error.😇😎

        1. Benjamin says:

          Oh, it was a typo. I was just clarifying because I am 37 as of April this year. Give him a Brother’s Campfire Happy Birthday for me!

          I was married in 2004, quite a bit later than you! Is it 40 next year then?

  2. Lookoom says:

    I had the chance to go to Pearl Harbor, unfortunately by the time I got there, the visits were over. Even looking out from the shore, the place was very emotional.

  3. Paquerite says:

    It’s good, these men gave everything …
    They were so young, it’s amazing and cruel
    Do you think history would still see this kind of admirable man shine?
    i don’t prefer to know
    Good evening and thank you

    1. Benjamin says:

      Modern day will tarnish them somehow given what I am seeing.

  4. Beverly says:

    Thank you, nephew, for this post. I really appreciate you sending out the reminder to all of us to not forget these individuals who sacrificed their lives for our country and for your honor to all veterans. We join you in this tribute! 🇺🇸

      1. Beverly says:

        Awwwwww….you’re welcome and thank you! You are my favorite nephew!

  5. Omatra7 says:

    My grandfather was in Pearl Harbor. He has a Purple Heart / which my uncle has now because he has passed.

    My grandfather was on the USS Arizona and survived.

    He used to have nightmares all the time.

    He died in 1999…

    He was quite the character ❤️ that was my moms dad.

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