Brothers Campfire Implores…Grow with Me!

Hello Friends! It is good to see you today!

It is a brisk Saturday morning and I am out here giving the duckys water!

My globe willow that Willow Manor is named after is thriving!

I was excited to see that my cattails are committed to excellence in my backyard!

I cannot tell you how exciting this is to have a successful transplant. It it looking great if I must say so myself!

I like tulips! I do not tiptoe through them, however!

This is a plant called a bleeding heart. When it blooms, you will see why.

I am passionate about growing plants and raising animals. I am also passionate about helping people. In these tough times, it is hard to find the uplifting and the positive as we are alone and confined with our thoughts.

Jesus is the answer to these tough times. There is an opportunity to be like a tree, planted by the water, strong and steadfast!

Will you join me tomorrow for church and experience Jesus with me?

I would love if you attended by live streaming. The next service is 10 AM Mountain Standard Time Link to my church.

Those of you that read this far have been to the Campfire numerous times and I am confident you have found it to be an amiable, welcoming place.

Experiencing the love of God is a warmth and comfort that exceeds any earthly place or mindset.

Lets experience it together!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

61 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Implores…Grow with Me!

    1. Benjamin says:

      The streaming is tomorrow night for you. Will you listen with me?

          1. Benjamin says:

            Way cool! I am so excited! You will have to let me know what you think!

  1. macalder02 says:

    Your photos are a testament to the wonderful experience you live on your farm with your plants and animals. Meeting God in our life is a peace for the soul and understanding what we are experiencing right now.
    A big hug

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Friend! I am praying for you and your family! You can listen to the service tomorrow if you would like!

      1. macalder02 says:

        Thank you very much for your prayers. We need that encouragement to lessen the anxiety of being locked up. Thanks for the invitation.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Absolutely, friend. We need eachother and most of all, we need Jesus! How is the weather over there? It is cloudy and brisk in Colorado!

          1. macalder02 says:

            For Chile, we are in the middle of autumn but very cold. We were in 11 degrees last night. Everything is fine at home.

          2. Benjamin says:

            Wow! Spring will move in to summer before you know it here. Are winters in Chile harsh?

        1. Benjamin says:

          Ha ha! Good! I will experience today inside the walls of a prison!!

  2. ellie894 says:

    Good morning ☀️
    I have a wonderful little book, very old, the tale of the bleeding heart. It’s a beautiful story of a stunning “plant”. Can’t wait to see the “why” photos! 😊

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello Suzanne! It is good to hear from my favorite poet! I look forward to answering the why! Have a beautiful day, friend!

  3. Lydia Potter says:

    Really nice plants!!!

    Attending your church is the highlight of my Sunday. I always look forward to it! 🙂

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for the compliment! I enjoy attending church with you, sister! It brings me joy! We look forward to seeing you on Monday as well!!!

  4. Cassa Bassa says:

    Amen to what you said Ben. I love God’s creation, every bit of it, even spiders 🙃

    1. Benjamin says:

      😄 🕷 I love it as well, friend! In 1200 hours, you are cordially invited!

        1. Benjamin says:

          I have been working in a prison all day! 1000 Mountain Standard Time!

          1. Benjamin says:

            You are a flicker of thoughts…. Beautiful.
            I am not too bright, but I think slow.

          2. Cassa Bassa says:

            It may also mean I am more short fused and you are a tap more patient. 😀

          3. Benjamin says:

            Jesus is the answer! He is a friend that sticks closer than a Brother! It is wonderful to talk with Jesus to make it right!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! 15 more on May11. You are welcome to listen to the streaming!

  5. Sheila D.Currie Blake says:

    To God be the glory. Help us all to be fruitful Lord in Jesus name. Good job my friend, its a thriving backyard.

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