Hello Friends!
Years ago, I worked in a woman’s prison and they called me Sergeant Compost. It was said that I gave them assignments that helped them grow.
Anyway, The nickname followed me to the men’s prison and I hear it occasionally, a decade or so later.
I think they call me this because they are forbidden from addressing me as swear word. It is against the rules.

I am quite direct with my words to those I supervise to reduce any potential for confusion in our interactions. I try to find the root of the matter and point it out so we have an honest and profitable conversation.
Many times we do. Sometimes we do not. I call these interactions dressing down and dressing up.
I take these two terms from applying compost; otherwise known as top dressing.
Dressing Down

This is a compost heap composed of straw and grass. Simple, direct, and a little stinky when light is shed on it. It is rank and something is cooking inside; perhaps smoldering a little.
It is not ready to be applied to the soil or a root system, much like words to some ears. On that note, seeking out good counsel is desirable. Learning from the school of hard nocks when you could have learned from someone else is a lot like this plant.

This plant would likely benefit from any type of top dressing, well composted or no. This plant isn’t getting any compost; it is a weed.
Dressing Up
Sometimes, the time is right, and applying compost to the root of the matter is beneficial. The compost is cool, odorless, contains micronutrients, and retains water.

When one takes the opportunity to directly recieve good counsel and apply it, they are fruitful.

There was no real motivation for writing this post other than to showcase my compost heap.
That’s Lieutenant Compost to you.
Nice heap! I enjoyed your tale.
It does stack that high
I would love to visit your yards if I ever come through your area, meeting you and your beloved, visiting the ducks, plants, compost pile and the fire.
You can visit anytime you are in the area!
Glad to see you back around the blogosphere. I think your story was kind of a big pile of compost.
great work.
Thank you Princess Cynthia!
Cool 🙂
Thank you friend!
Nice compost! Are you a sergeant?
Thanks! At this time, I am a Lieutenant.
You’re welcome! Wow! Lieutenant Benjamin Thiel! So you do have a title 😂
Just at work.
Wow that was like a sermon!
Ha ha!🤠🔥
Good work! 😊
Pretty profound for a compost heap.
I suppose you are right. Thank You!
Hi Sargeant Compost! Nice to see you again. I compost as well….helps me and my garden.!
Hello! Gardening is a passion of mine. This batch is not quite done but will be by spring. It is the largest one I have made so far. Great to hear from you, Friend!🤠🔥
Lovely compost heap. 10/10 would compost
Ha ha!
🤠🔥you are a welcome addition to Brother’s Campfire. It seems this post brought a lot of emotion.
I have been judged I didnt go to the prison , I was out of prison with some terms .. for three years , its awfull ..
The reason which I captured was that I destroyed an official paper which concern the elections … .. The problem isnt my imagination . .. keep your yard clean . Also I have a couple of Syndroms , I realise that I had lost 7 cm from my heigh in the police station . I socked . You can t imagine what I suppose for policemen , I thought that they try to play with my mind ,when I show my heigh written .. Now we are looking for
A real bad
Probably is the small plant
We can always grow, Kiri. You are in a safe place at Brother’s Campfire. I would like to hear more of your story. Sometimes when plants are cut way down they come back stronger. Praying for you, Friend.
Friend …. this theory is . .. sorry just a cheap excuse . Its awfull they put people in danger because they believe if they fuck someone will made him stronger … The only who became stronger is the philosophy team with sadistics ensticts.. The person isnt conformed without past . I have some special needs as concern the way I walk ,or they way I do my works . I am normal in my disability.
I hope you understand. And pray for yourself….
I had my mother when I was four ,and I had dislocations of my fingers .
Please God make she ok ..
In my situation God listen
Please God make my mother ok ..
Kiriamateria, God brings peace that passes understanding. We will pray for you and your concerns. Thank you for sharing this so we know what needs to be prayed for. Jesus loves you friend!
Jesus with us
Amen!🤠🔥You are God’s Beautiful Creation, Friend.