
Hello! Cassa Bassa here joining brother Benjamin’s campfire. This is just briefly say Hi to you all. And I’m working on a post to share around the fire…

For now, perhaps share a photo I took at our evening walk. We ate a dessert each, were very sweet and very filling. We felt the need to walk it off. Hope you enjoy the nature as much as we did…till next time…ta-da!

Dee Why beach, Sydney, Australia 🇦🇺

Author: Cassa Bassa

10 thoughts on “Gathering

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hmmm…. Waiting for that addition from the Northern Atlantic.
      The Southern Pacific warms faster apparently.🤠🔥🤭

  1. Benjamin says:

    It is great to have you here, Cassa Bassa! It seems some of the problems in posting have worked themselves out as well! 🤠🔥☕

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