Brothers Campfire February 3rd, 2022

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Today, I am thankful that my Beloved and her mother are safe.

They were struck by a car backing up in a Walmart Parking lot resulting in Isabel falling.

There were no injuries and all is well that ends well.

My father in law and I were livid that insurance information was not exchanged, but niether of us were there.

Ah well. Both are in good spirits.

My children were in good spirits today as well. I am not sure who made this, but it appears to be a snow bat with bamboo wings. They were busy it would seem.

Work was long today and it was nice to come home to a dinner worthy of song.

Brothers Campfire Tablefare

The meal included a hamburger, homemade potatoes, coleslaw, and guacamole.

Dessert was a gift from my neighbor, Natasha. Her Russian Apple Cake is The Best!

Russian Apple Cake

Well, that is all today! I look forward to the weekend so I have time to write more!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

43 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire February 3rd, 2022

  1. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    Lucky 🌷👌 no one hurt by the grace of God 🙏❤️
    So tasty foods preparation 😋 blessed weekend 👏

  2. Herb says:

    I’m with you and your father-in-law, at the least info should have been exchanged.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am glad as well. Friend, thank you for your concern.🤠🔥☕

    1. Benjamin says:

      Well… They say history is one thing after another. 🤠🔥☕

  3. mattsnyder1970 says:

    Your wife fell ? Were they walking when a car backed out ? Because if that’s the case you have every reason to be livid. If no insurance was exchanged it’s a pretty good idea that the person at fault doesn’t have insurance. Glad they are both okay.

      1. mattsnyder1970 says:

        Aw man…that is awful . Praise God, there was no issues let’s continue to hope there isn’t a problem down the line.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Me as well Diana Forsberg!
      I agree, parking lots are not safe place to hang out!

  4. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    I am glad that your wife and her mom is okay. People are certainly not careful of others. We had a very scary experience in our neighborhood with our “neighbor”.

  5. Ryan Callahan says:

    Praising God they weren’t hurt! That dinner looks amazing. You are a blessed man to have a wife who cooks for you like that. 😊 Blessings!

    1. Benjamin says:

      I an thankful to God that they are safe!

      ……I have a hard time keeping the pounds off with food like this!

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