Brothers Campfire on Eating on a Cobblestone Floor


Is why you always take care of foodservice.

Here in the hospital, I have been buttering up all the culinarians and encouraging excellence. I just knew they had more than…


We eat with our eyes and presentation is paramount.

Being present is important as well.

It is important to be with your loved ones in the hospital as much as possible.


I will not be able to be present with my Beloved tomorrow. Her dad will, however, and he only gets one chance to see her due to covid rules and work schedules.

He is an amazing man and armed with the knowledge he had limited in-person time, he set out to replace and repair everything he could on his short stay.

Rustic old country farmhouse has been on my Beloved’s pinboard for a while.

We are also looking at handrail installation for ease in getting up the stairs.

I am going to miss her, but she needs to see her dad. I sent him with a list of questions to ask and we will see how she does with a cell phone today.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

18 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire on Eating on a Cobblestone Floor

  1. believe4147 says:

    It’s good to know you have others around to encourage and help both of you. We do pray your wife is home soon.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Indeed. It is good to have support from those far away such as yourself! Thank you, I appreciate you!

      1. believe4147 says:

        You’re quite welcome. Prayer between believers is just another way we are strengthened.

  2. kagould17 says:

    So glad she gets to see her Dad. Looks like he has earned the right with his hard work and dedication. All the best Benjamin. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am glad too. There was renewed confidence in her voice afterwards!

  3. Cassa Bassa says:

    Step by step, steady sister, then a leap in our Father’s powerful arms.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Absolutely, Cassa Bassa. God knew I would need a friend like you praying.

  4. KT Workman says:

    I’m sure it did your wife good to see her dad today and will to see her mom tomorrow. Equally as important, is what it will do for her parents to see their child. I know if it were my child, I would want to see them. It’s kind of you to share your limited time with her.

    1. Benjamin says:

      We all are trying to cope with these covid restrictions. Thank you for the reassurance. She does seem rather confident and happy afterwards! I will see her tomorrow!

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