Brothers Campfire on Drinking Tea

Hello Friends!

In some circles in the United States, it is looked down upon for men to drink tea.

Just like taking u out of colour, I have a tendency to think about the Boston Tea Party and opt for coffee.

Cast it into the bay! I protest! I Identify as an American!

However, my grandmother and I would drink tea on a regular basis when I was growing up and she is who I really think about when I prepare it. Thank you for rounding out my world view!

I miss you Gramma

Here are a few of my favorite store flavors. Perhaps one day I will complete a post on the wild tea I steep while on my outdoor adventures.

I am working feverishly to get rid of my sore throat by staying hydrated.

Once again, breakfast is epic! I like to eat my way through health concerns!

French Toast
Eggs and Sausage

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

98 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire on Drinking Tea

          1. Lydia Potter says:

            Tastes like…. oh man. The BEST southern sweet tea ever!!!! You have to try it, but it has to be from Summerville. Anywhere else is trash.

          2. Benjamin says:

            Ha ha! I should! I am more into bitter drinks, but I will give it a whirl!

          3. Lydia Potter says:

            I actually decided I would to the drive in service, so I’m out of here!

  1. Tangie T. Woods says:

    Drinking my second cup of 🍵 while reading this; love it.

    Lovely photos. Have a great day

        1. Benjamin says:

          I do the box variety in all sorts of flavors. When the garden comes up, I make tea out of my herb garden. Chocolate Peppermint is a garden favorite.

  2. Ishaan Sharma says:

    Didn’t know you had bengal tea in america. (In case you weren’t aware, bengal is in India). In India, tea mostly comes from state of assam.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! I knew you would comment on the Bengal tea!!! Assam you say? What is your favorite?

      1. Ishaan Sharma says:

        You know me well!
        Assam is a state in north-east india, famous for tea.

        Indian way of drinking tea is quite different. I am not much into tea, but I do like it. I prefer coffee. But indian coffee is also quite different.

          1. Ishaan Sharma says:

            To begin with, we use milk, not water. And we add stuff like garlic and other things in tea. Coffee is not so dark. It is quite sweet with more sugar and less coffee powder.

          2. Benjamin says:

            Thanks for sharing! I like my coffee dark as the hinges of hell, bitter.

          3. Benjamin says:

            It is an aquired taste. I did not like it until I was in my early 20’s. I suppose you have a few years.

      1. stlautismmom says:

        She is now in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s and in a long term care facility. The last time I asked her about tea, she insisted she hates tea. I occasionally have a cup and think of our younger days.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Thank you for sharing this. I recently said my last farewell to my Grandmother. I will have a cup of tea today in honor of your mother and the the younger days. 🍵

  3. Isabelle says:

    I’m a heavy tea drinker. I don’t drink water, I drink tea. Not sure how healthy it is though…Your selection of tea looks great!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Coffee is my preference, but I will get down with the herbs and spices! (Not the illegal kind!)

  4. magicalnormal says:

    I am a big coffee drinker. However, since this quarantine, I have been limiting coffee to two cups and drinking tea for the rest of the day. Same as you, trying to keep a healthier routine. Take care and I hope you feel better soon. 🙂

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for your concern for my health!😷 I am normally a two pot a day coffee drinker. Dark and bitter is my favorite! I am a lover of tea, but I drink it less often. I want to maximize the opportunity for rapid recovery. I feel like I am letting my supervisor, peers, and staff down.

      1. magicalnormal says:

        Tea is defiantly a healing beverage. I understand the feeling of not wanting to let co workers down. As a teacher, I always felt that way. However, I am sure they only want you to get well. :). I love the memory about your grandma. I think the tea and her memory will help heal you.

          1. magicalnormal says:

            I am a Kindergarten teacher. 🙂 I love it, but it is not always easy to find a substitute. Lol

          2. Benjamin says:

            I imagine not! I supervise inmates at a prison. I wonder if there are similarities.

          3. magicalnormal says:

            My husband ran the forensics ward at the state hospital for 10 years and we see a lot of similarities. Lol

  5. dumbestblogger says:

    Patriots drink coffee! I drink tea occasionally as it was introduced to me by an Ethiopian friend, and no one in their right mind would accuse an Ethiopian of not being manly. But I’m still a little uncomfortable with the stigma of it, so I stick to black tea.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Because America! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 The teeth of patriots were stained yellow with the bitterness of coffee to esure sweet victory!

  6. Sanjana Singh says:

    Tea yessss, love my ginger tea… add milk and some cardamom… Just peferct😊

        1. Benjamin says:

          Things are well, friend. A sore throat, but lots of energy. Sleepy is a sign of Covid. The tea has been soo helpful! How is your son holding up?

          1. Sanjana Singh says:

            Ohhhh poor you. Hope you get well soon and nothing major😊 Krishnav is really good but I must admit his not very happy that mummy is working from home 😁😁😁 because he can’t watch TV 😃

          2. Sanjana Singh says:

            Yes and that’s the plan less TV time and more other stuff like legos, reading, playing outside etc😊

          3. Benjamin says:

            Good for you, mom! You are a superstar! I do not have a television in my home, but we do play video games on occasion.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Ha ha! No doubt. I was really jonesing for your pizza the other day and my Beloved made some! Wonderful treat! Are you staying safe and healthy?

          1. Hello! I'm Bernice. says:

            That is wonderful! I had that pizza again this weekend. We are doing well. Thanks! I am WFH and hubby is retired. NYC is getting hit hard. Upstate NY has cases but nothing like NYC. Hoping it stays that way. How are you doing?

          2. Benjamin says:

            We are well. I am staying home from work with a sore throat for a few days. I am working around the house here and there.
            I am praying for you, Bernice!

          3. Benjamin says:

            Thank you friend! I look forward to what is on the supper plate!

  7. herbthiel says:

    Coffee is, of course best, but there’s nothing wrong with some tea, especially with a sore throat. Put a little honey in it.

  8. Petra says:

    I love tea, I probably drink too much of it though. 😁 And eating your way through health concerns is a solid strategy

      1. Petra says:

        Basically any type of green tea, preferably the Chinese sorts

        1. Benjamin says:

          On the day I wrote this post, I had Bengal tea. I found out that it was my Grandmother’s favorite. At the moment, thyme and oregano are coming up here. The peppermint will be up soon as well as the echinacea. Because it is home grown, I will stubbornly begin shunning store bought teas and drinking strange mixes of home brew/ broth😜

          1. Petra says:

            I fully support this! I’m just sad I can’t grow my fancy teas at home, but I buy loose leaf tea and it’s a good fertilizer for plants after its boiled

          2. Benjamin says:

            I agree! I like loose leaf tea! I need to start utilizing my coffee grounds as well for this purpose. Have you ever made pine needle tea?

          3. Petra says:

            Hm, not yet, I’ve only made cough syrup from it. How do you make it?

          4. Benjamin says:

            I am a savage so there is probably a better way. I simply cut the needles up and steep them in hot water until I have a greenish liquid. I do add a little sugar to taste. How do you make cough syrup with them?

          5. Petra says:

            Well, it’s not exactly with needles, but rather with young pine sprouts, you know the light green colored ones at the end of a branch. You boil them with water and lots of sugar for a long time, then drain the syrup. It’s supposed to be full of vitamin C, tastes nice and helps with sore throat and coughing. They even sell it in pharmacies here, but that ones is more processed

          6. Benjamin says:

            I will be trying that soon! I was aware of the vitiman C benefit but not the sprouts. Thank you!

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