Brothers Campfire Contentions-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 18

Good morning. Welcome to the Campfire.

I have added fuel to the fire and made coffee. 

I woke up to see several of the Heron Tribe at the Campfire.

There has been contention between what the Heron tribe believes and what the Man with the Shepherd’s crook says.

They complained to me about the Man with the Shepherd’s Crook. 

They stated he was telling them to live differently. I informed them that the Man with the Shepherds Crook forewarned us of danger and he is welcome in our Camp.

I told our visitors that we have rules in the Camp and they are allowed to stay if they follow them. They were not completely enthused with my views about the Camp and my support of the Man with the Shepherds Crook. 

One of the younger men tested my resolve in relation to the rules of the encampment. I clearly expressed our standards in a way that he could understand in a physical manifestation.

Another of the Heron approached me and stated words to the effect of, “I do not want anything from Shepherds Crook Man for myself. I am a warrior. I am proud and renowned in battle.

“I need Shepherd’s Crook medicine for my wife. She is ill. I set my pride aside for my wife.  Will you tell him?”

I agreed to let the Shepherd’s Crook man know. I actually don’t know if the Shepherd’s Crook Man has medicine. It will not hurt to ask.

So here I sit. Forest People at the fire. They look a little hungry.

 I will give them something to take with them before they leave. 

I feel like there is so much more going on around me that I do not understand. I do know it is of utmost importance to keep the Camp safe.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

1 thought on “Brothers Campfire Contentions-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 18

  1. herbthiel says:

    It is good to be generous, but peoples like this that I have known must be sure to understand that it is your generosity and not fear that compels you. If you show anything that can be interpreted as fear or you let down on a rule just the slightest, you will have trouble.

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