Brothers Campfire Works For Horse Manure 🤨

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

I am hoping I get paid today. I am down to the wire this month due to unexpected expenses.

There are bulbs on sale for fall planting and I would like to procure a few. Now, when I say a few, I mean as many as the budget can squeeze in. I am looking at the ones that are likely to come up every year like tulips, irises, and daffodils. The bees have needs and my wife likes color. We will need a lot of variety as I am killing large portions of my backyard.

Compostable material now covers large areas of our 1/3 acre. If it snows, it will break down and there will be some nice soil for all these flowers and future plants.

Hopefully, it will also help water retention.

The acquisition of compost was easy. I posted online that I would take grass clippings, weeds, branches, logs, manure, woodchips and any other compostable material.

In some cases,it can be costly to dump these items, and free is nearly always a cool option. In other cases, some folks are ridiculous. I had a lady who tried to make me work for horse manure. (Can’t make this stuff up.)

It was work, and there are understandable concerns from a few.

Notably, I am not sure if pesticides or herbicides were used. I also do not know what kind of weeds and pests I imported.

Big picture, I have the average of all my neighbors lawns in my yard, and all the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals they did not see fit to keep as well. Plus, my water bill is now cheaper, because there is less grass.

In all honesty, it is fairly ugly, and in the spring, I hope to topdress with pretty store-bought mulch and all those flowers.

Well, that is all for this morning. I am off to work.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

6 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Works For Horse Manure 🤨

  1. Iseult Murphy says:

    It will look beautiful when the flowers come through. I hope you manage to buy lots of bulbs!

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