Brothers Campfire Toasts Corrections

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

I hosted another public speaking bit at the prison yesterday. We call ot Toastmasters or a Gavel club, but I am not sure if it is registered through them or not.

I am excited about it as it is moving in a good direction to help offenders when they get “back on the streets.”

It is difficult with my ears though. I can only. hear about half of what is being said and thay is frustrating.

The ears have been a problem for a while. Typically, they get clogged with earwax rather easily.

I feel proper care has been taken with power tools. I may upgrade my ear protection to protect them even more. It is hard to have a discussion without functioning ears.

A functioning stomach is necessary today. There will be a potluck for our department.

Halfway through my Correctional experience, it has been determined thatt when staff retention is a priority, it is time to treat folks like human beings. At this point, it is a little awkward in our relationship.

Relationships require work.

Emotionally unatatched in this one sided courtship, All this time it has been a dirty business of flesh for cash , so why change now?

I wish, just wish, that when I went to the Academy, that proper training was given.

Policy was preached, integrity was paramount. As a twenty-something keen on being the department’s finest, I endeavored.

What they should have taught was, there are more than fifty shades of grey, it is a political environment and regulations are a tool to be used against your enemies.

Ah well.

Had I not taken the hard-nosed path of a straight and narrow in my career, I would assuredly become someone I did not like.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

6 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Toasts Corrections

  1. Under the mask.. says:

    I think most of us (including some “used and abused” sheriffs here) have been hurtfully reminded at least once at work that we are (only) employees — until employees become sparse! And, as you note, it is sometimes solely up to us to make it (and keep it) an honest living. Frustrating.

  2. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    I hear you. In the decades, I worked in mental health I was treated as though I was a number, until they found very few could do what I was doing. Mainly, I wasn’t ending up in the ER with injuries that lead to workman’s comp., and my restraint percentage was the lowest in the agency. However, I left to move across country(I would most likely still be there) and the agency has gone down hill. People refuse to work there because the clients needed a higher level of care than in-home care with one person. Thank you for the work you do.

  3. henhouselady says:

    I worked in a campus police office before I retired. i understand what you are talking about here. Good luck with your ears.

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