Brothers Campfire on Fire and Freebies

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here.

Yesterday was a helpless feeling. I drove by two fires of unknown cause in the field along the highway. One of them had a few cars nearby and it looked like they had it contained.

The second one, I stopped at and it was as big as a dumpster on size. Me and a volunteer firefighter ran out and he handed me a tool, instructing me to “stay in the black” or already burned area.

The wind picked up and we lost it.

While it wasn’t the biggest fire, It was a helpless feeling watching it set fire to trees and everything else.

If I had a shovel, I may have been able to stop it, so I think I might put one in my car.

In other news, I worked with my friend Pierre and Amber, my sister to pick up a snowblower and a table saw for free.

The man that gave us these items also gave Amber a generator and a propane trailer heater, so we brought in a nifty haul.

Today will be busy. I have a lot of small fires to put out at work, and I wil

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

18 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire on Fire and Freebies

  1. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    So sorry to read and watch the photos , fire so fast will spread so many places !!
    Lucky firemen controlled fire 🔥 and save the environment 🌷🙏👍🏻😍
    Take care and God Bless 👏❤️🌷

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you. Fortunately, on a forest fire scale, it was a blip on the radar.

  2. leendadll says:

    Thanks for trying!!
    What about a fire extinguisher in the car, also handy for car/house fires??

      1. leendadll says:

        I mean getting one for your vehicle, in addition to the shovel… said the woman who doesn’t have one on her car (but w in my kitchen!).

  3. The Oceanside Animals says:

    Charlee: “Fires can be so scary!”
    Chaplin: “Yes, we once ran away from one with Dennis and our Mama and Dada!”

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