Brothers Campfire News Feed 04/10/2022

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

I woke up to see my Beloved’s fingers were not curled, but straight. I commented on it and she said the doctors call it “synergy”.

Well, we need more of that “synergy” stuff then.

Today, she will make her debut in the vegetable cutting world. We affixed an oak dowel in a cutting board to hold them in place while she cuts. We beveled the top with a pencil sharpener to make things easier to stick.

Cutting Board With Dowel

Me, I have been spending time outside with the new birds. You can get a glimpse of them in these videos.

The Indian ducklings are growing faster than the Khaki Campbells did for sure. They are not as interested in the water either, but that can change as they grow feathers.

So, I read the news this morning, and there was the same ole song and dance.


Who in thier right mind wouldn’t have these rules?


He has already done this before.

It is dramatic effect to wow a crowd. Not news.


A discussion about cups. Hmm…


I cannot wait to read the full coverage. (Yeah Right).

So now, I cover you, the reader!

Our sources say that Homemaking on the Dunes is celebrating a birthday and trying to be frugal about it.

Jeanette from For the Love of Books is stoked about a rally in Los Angeles.

William Manson continues to rant about old buildings.

Geoff Stamper discovered there are people funnier than him, but we disagree.

Charlie, Retired In Costa Rica, Likes Creepy Crawleys.

I think my personal news feed is WAY better than my Google news feed. If I ever get a live podcast of the ground, I may refer to this excellence!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

36 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire News Feed 04/10/2022

  1. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    Love this. I am so happy to hear that your wife’s finger’s are straight that is great sign in her recovery. I am sitting at the table doing math experiments it is not going well.

  2. elvira797mx says:

    I am happy about your wife. Thank’s for share ducks videos, they are bigger.
    Have a wonderful and blessing week!
    Keep well.

  3. Stella Reddy says:

    Wonderful post! Love the spread you have there and the birds are so cute and getting so big! Such a difference in a short time. Great place to sit and relax, listening to nature’s music from all the birds you have. Great news feed too btw!

  4. Digital Empire says:

    I once owned a pet duckling back when I was a kid. I raised him to adulthood. But my garden was too small for him. And he needed space to roam. My parents eventually gave him away. I miss those days. He was that one pet that I remember the best.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ducks are cool. You can always order several online and have some now!

      1. Digital Empire says:

        Hmmm. Interesting. I think it might be too cold where I live though. But if I do, I would have to think about building a shed with a heatlamp just like yours.

        1. Benjamin says:

          The babies need warmth. Many duck breeds can withstand the cold.

  5. Eugenia says:

    I’m so glad to hear about your wife’s progress. Snergy! I love it!

  6. MichaelStephenWills says:

    Wishing your wife for continued progress toward recovery….good news on her fingers and working on adaptations for daily life. Happy Easter

    1. Benjamin says:

      Well, the top two contenders are Bruce Goodman and Dumbest Blogger

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Gabriela! We appreciate your prayers and encouragement.

  7. Omatra7 says:

    Love your ducks and good news for beloved 🙌❤️

    But all the news stories I do not know…

    Elon stories I completely ignore – same with Trump …

    Starbucks I never go to… unless absolutely desperate for a coffee

    And that last thing I have no idea lol

    Those babies are adorable though! ❤️

  8. Beverly says:

    Praise the Lord on your Beloved’s progress.

    The new birds are adorable. Thanks for sharing all of the updates

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