Brothers Campfire Life

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

0430 hours came quick. Not one to dilly dally on my day off, I was up making a pot of brew, dark and bitter.

Checking my email, I was relieved. A friend of mine had told me they wanted to kill themselves. Living far away with no real information to pass on to law enforcement for a welfarecheck, I had to wait it out.

I will say this to you, Friend. I am praying for you and you have an army of a support. I will use every resource at my disposal to get you the help you need.

After a cup of vantablack coffee and a bit of prayer, I woke my children for school. It was a big morning for me as I resumed volunteering at the private school as a P.E. teacher. I tried to live stream my ducks, but it was not working.

On my return, I picked up a 75-foot hose and a 50-foot soaker hose for our flowerbed. We are expecting great things out of the earth this year!

Then, it was on to my Beloved’s appointment. She has flexation in her ankle,  can move her wrist ever so slightly and can make micromovements with two fingers. She is also off of one medication.

Isabel is part of several online stroke support groups and they encouraged her to do something she would have enjoyed as a child.

She opted for pizza and ice cream.

While I will never lose weight with a diet like this, I will say I enjoy such things as well.

Goodwill and the Ark were our next destinations. We picked up a few sets of clothing and admired and purchased a few works of art.

After picking up my children I attempted to live stream.

Epic Fail

I opted to use my cell phone and was successful.

You can see my ducks in the links above. Can you guess which one is the boy?

Well, off to do more things! Have a beautiful day!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

47 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Life

  1. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    I am delighted to hear your beloved progress, she is working so hard. I pray your friend comes out of the darkness. My husband and I went to lunch and a bit of shopping.

          1. Benjamin says:

            Very nice! I will give you a heads up when we have an event!

  2. Ryan Callahan says:

    Very glad to hear your wife is doing well. Continued prayers for her healing. I will be praying for your friend as well. Your little ducks are cute. Blessings to you all!

  3. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    So nice post today , here morning 🌷🙏 happy to read all ok now and your ducks lovely 😊
    By the grace of God your wife getting better and grace wishes for you and your loving Family ♥️👏

  4. Michele Lee says:

    Many blessings! I am happy to read that your wife continues to make positive progress. 💐

  5. elvira797mx says:

    Wow! Wonderful isabel progress! I am happy for her.
    So nice video, love ducks they are growing, great water!
    Thank’s for share, Benjamin.

  6. Americaoncoffee says:

    Delighted to know that your beloved is improving. Prayers and blessings Benjamin.🙏☀️

  7. Stella Reddy says:

    Delighted to see all is going well for you and your wife is getting better! The ducklings are getting big, thanks for the videos! All the best to your friend. It isn’t easy being in such a dark place and I am sending prayers for him.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you friend. I think the most important part is keeping her morale high.

  8. Jeff says:

    Twice in my life, I have had people I know from a distance threatening to end their lives. It is very frightening.

  9. leendadll says:

    I love that white pitcher! We don’t get items like those at my local charity shops. I don’t know if they’re not donated or route to other shops* or what.
    *there’s a, or was, “high end goods” version of Goodwill in town but I’ve never been in… first saw it during the pandemic and forgot all about it till now.

    AWESOME news about your beloved!!
    4:30??? But that’s when I go to sleep!!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks! We like the pitcher as well!

      I used to be a night owl!

      1. leendadll says:

        How’d you stop being a night owl? Family?

        People always try to tell me, “oh, just go to bed earlier and you’ll adapt.” Uh… 59 yeats and I haven’t adapted yet!

  10. YouLittleCharmer says:

    So glad to read of your wife’s progress my friend. Long may it continue – along with the pizza eating!! 😁😁🖤

      1. YouLittleCharmer says:

        I ADORE pizza. I think it’s fair to say it’s my favourite food!! 😁

        “People may disappoint – but pizza is eternal” 😉🖤

  11. Cassa Bassa says:

    Isabel is making incremental improvement, so thrilled. Persistent and persevere in our prayers. God hears everything we uttered and knows everything trapped inside us. Blessings!!!

  12. Sanjana Singh says:

    Love reading your beautiful and inspiring post my friend. Your wife’s very strong woman. And those ducklings are so cute. Beautiful post and beautiful photos.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Sanjana Singh! I appreciate you and your family! 🤠🔥

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