Brother’s Campfire, -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 182

Brother added another log to the fire and sipped on a piping hot cup of coffee. It was dark and bitter as the Beast himself.

He stood up and stretched. It had been tough training with Commander Nicholas every day, but it set the example that no one was exempt from service if they lived in Northwich.

Commander Nicholas, a former Carsiolian general.

Emerson Berengar was not as young as some youngsters and it took a little time to recover. Morale was heightened every time he engaged on the parade ground so he would continue. Netty, his wife was not too thrilled about all the bruises and complaining, however.

A practical man, he knew one way or the other, he would be paying taxes to someone, but he would not allow Northwich to be ravaged by war if he could help it. The Carsiolians were overwintering right on the southeastern border of La Longi with a force some 1200 strong. These would be seasoned soldiers, a tip of the spear meant to assess the strength of La Longi.

Commander Nicholas sent a messenger to the king of La Longi with no response. In fact, he was turned away at the gate. Rumors were spreading that there was no longer a king and the king’s alchemist was running the operation.

The Alchemist, Reading From a Book of Faces

Patrols of minions had been reported, but not seen by the messenger.

A Minion

James Rainport had mustered his nobles and was not available as he had taken his men afield.

James Rainport

The men of Silverfinch felt they stood to gain by the chaos of war and would sellsword themselves to the strongest side. Brother considered leveling Silverfinch himself, but demonstrated restraint.

The O’Hagans on the other hand were spoiling for a fight if there was one to be had. Conquer or die was their motto and they conveyed five words to Northwich. “Smite them hip and thigh.”

Turlough, their silvery haired leader would fight an armored man with a stout stick without much provocation.

Brother chuckled at the O’Hagan message. Indeed they would fight if necessary. Diplomatic means would be Brother’s first route, but blood would likely be shed in Carsiolian interaction. 

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

41 thoughts on “Brother’s Campfire, -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 182

  1. Ada says:

    Beautifully written! As always.

    I hope you are well. I nominated you for the liebster blogger award. Please check out my blog.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Sanjana! I like writing about Emerson Berengar. He is one of my favorite characters!

      1. Sanjana Singh says:

        And I am learning a lot from your stories. Something different, I like it. Hope you are well and safe in your bubble. How’s things your side?

        1. Benjamin says:

          Things are quiet here. I am happy to have family in good health and great friends here and in other countries! I have been wearing a denim face mask 10 hours a day and it has stained my lips blue! I am curious to here what you learn from my stories and how life is for you, your husband and your son!

          1. Sanjana Singh says:

            Nice to know you guys are fine over there. Same here in New Zealand, looks like will be out of the lockdown soon. Things are getting settled and to be honest, it’s not that bad here thanks to our PM. Hubby and son both are fine. We as family lately doing lots of baking😁 your blogs really amazing and educational as well for example, I never heard of La Longi, and through your stories, I’m learning about it and the soldiers, not sure if there is a king and queen but I love your soldiers😁😁😁

          2. Benjamin says:

            La Longi is a fictional realm where I spin stories as I go along. Sometimes I don’t know what is next and I follow the characters!

          3. Benjamin says:

            Yes! One of my children and I were playing Minecraft about 7 or 8 years ago and I asked what we should name the world. He replied, “La Longi”.

          4. Sanjana Singh says:

            Awwww soooooo cute. And special too I guess now “La Longi” stays with you forever😊

          5. Benjamin says:

            Yes it does! The other was “Mashbitoes” !! Kinda sounds like mash potatoes!

          6. Benjamin says:

            La Longi is pretty special to me. It brings the memory of my little child!

          7. Sanjana Singh says:

            Ohhhh nice. Show us the pix once arrives. I’ve actually never tried duck eggs but my dad has. I love the Curry though😊 Have you got a farm?

          8. Benjamin says:

            I live on 1/3 acre. I have a garden
            and a few ducks. We call it Willow Manor Urban Farm. I have a dog named Bubbles and a goose named Trumpet. I have herbs, raspberries, and grapes as well!

          9. Benjamin says:

            The grapes have not yet bore fruit. Duck aggs can be fishy if the water is nlt very clean.

          10. Sanjana Singh says:

            Wow looks like you have the best life out there in the farm. I grew up in the farm back home in Fiji. Best life ever😊

          11. Benjamin says:

            That sounds wonderful! I only know Fiji apples! Life is a great part what you make it! I could talk about sad things and paint an awful picture. I don’t want to though.

          12. Sanjana Singh says:

            Awwww I always believe in being positive and being happy with what ever you have😊

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