Brothers Campfire Blessings, Heavy Metals, and Epic Breakfast

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Gather round and I will spin you a tale about Brother’s Campfire.

I needed a large slab of metal in addition to my railroad rail for an anvil so I prayed for one.

I went on a 15 minute walk and found a smooth piece of iron , flat and with 4 options for a hardy hole.

And an angled piece of metal I can use to cut with.

And, a piece of rebar to work with.

For those of you that do not believe in miracles and God doing things for His people, I am sorry you feel that way. I got exactly what I prayed for.

Before I get ahead of myself, My Beloved made me an epic breakfast. Tasty Tasty! I washed it down with coffee as bitter as death.

When I went to the blacksmith class, I was informed that I would need to drop at least 400 USD into an anvil to get started. Then I was told I need a specific forge. Well, the work needed doing despite all those US dollars so I repositioned the red bricks I found in a dumpster and fired up the Brother’s Campfire Forge.

Besides the ground, Bubbles, and her special size ball, everything in this picture was free to me. You came too late to tell God is not real.

I heated, I hammered. I hammered, and I heated. That piece of rebar didn’t know the difference between hard surfaces when confronted with force.

Punching a hole in hot metal was one of the toughest parts. I got my beloved to assist.

The time for making a rivet had come. Having no tongs, I torched a bolt so I could actually reach it.

It worked! Until it didn’t. The thread melded with the rebar and I had to drill my rivet out. That was a Lot of work!

I worked all day on that project.

I hit myself in personal places, burned my hands, hit my thumb with a hammer twice, and missed lunch, but it got done. I manufactured a pair of tongs in my backyard.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

52 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Blessings, Heavy Metals, and Epic Breakfast

  1. Beverly says:


    And great job!!

  2. Monika R. Martyn says:

    Pretty cool! While I was reading, I said to myself, I hope he doesn’t burn himself. My father was a pretty good blacksmith and welder, hence love that smell of fire and molten iron. Be careful and enjoy your new found hobby.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank You! I am glad I did not get burned too bad. Thank you for the insight!

  3. YouLittleCharmer says:

    Nice work my friend 😁
    And the breakfast (minus the bacon for me) looked epic indeed! 👍🖤

  4. stevescountry says:

    You’re doing great Benjamin! Yes, God does provide always and you got what you needed which is perfect! Now be careful and remember you’re supposed to heat the metal, not your hands! That breakfast looks fabulous too!😁😺

    1. Benjamin says:

      For the life of me, I thought the metal was heated by the hands! Thank you Steve!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! Thank you! It took forever. Yes, the food was to die for!

          1. Benjamin says:

            I am not sure. I just got started. It took hours for me to straighten the rebar and yet more to make a cheap pair of tongs. I will get better with practice….hopefully.

          2. Benjamin says:

            There is lots of snow here in Colorado. What about over there?

          3. windsofchange18 says:

            I bet it’s so beautiful there . Had a lot and the last few days 🔅 ng up into the middle 40’s after temps of 12 at night. Alot is gone. Happy about that😊

  5. achme24gmailcom says:

    You’re on it bro! I want to come join sometime. I haven’t gotten to weld since junior high

      1. rozinaspersiankitchen says:

        Yes I am sure it was tough. Your channel is full of interesting and impressive posts. I always enjoy your post. Thanks for sharing with us.🌹✨✨

        1. Benjamin says:

          Thank you Rozina! I appreciate your cooking website and videos as well. One day perhaps, I can eat one of your tasty meals!

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