Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!
Today I will spend most of my day at Church. Part of my responsibility there is to run the projector and I will be doing this later tonight. If you would like to listen live, you can do so here during scheduled services. Heritage Pentecostal . I look forward to knowing that you tuned in. If you have questions or would like a Bible study, let me know!

It has been a long while since I have discussed an endurance hike, one of my goals for the year. It has been my intention to walk 50 miles in a 24 hour period, my preferred route being Colorado Springs to Castle Rock by the backroads.
Training has been hampered by numerous health problems and I do not think I have walked over 15 miles in a day in the last 6 months. It is frustrating, but I aim to make it happen down the road.
There are a number of hikers who have traveled this distance in a day so it is attainable. At the moment, I am experimenting with hydration and nutrition and walking as far as my body will let me. I may alternate carrying a large pack and running to get conditioned.
The 35 mile hike last year found me in the 190/200 pound range. In the low 170s I am considerably lighter than last year so there is a lot of potential for get back in a travelling groove. I am flush with drive and motivation and try to surround myself with others of like mind.
So, just a few days ago, I spoke with a woman who is an avid backpacker and has been in the news for her technical skill in climbing and other physical pursuits.

She challenged my ego as to what is important to me and actually raised her voice in frustration that I had not been on the trail or practicing regularly on the Manitou Incline to meet my goal. Her personality demanded that nothing should stop me. It was a one sided conversation.
I was all fired up and ready to pull out the stops when realization hit me. This woman, fit as a fiddle and full of spit and vinegar had few if any meaningful relationships. She was so sold on herself and her newsworthiness that she was toxic.
My family comes first, and it is not important enough to me to train for excellence day in and out. I am not willing to sacrifice what I hold dear.
Gardening has been a well-placed distraction, but it does not bother me much. I love putting effort into Willow Manor. When I think of delicate plants, I think of my Beloved, my children, and my friends. They require my attention and care.
Will I walk 50 miles in 24 hours this year? Who knows. I would like to, but I need to consider what’s important to me.
At a hefty 325 I walked 3 miles today listening to some Kirk Franklin Gospel, because I am more than determined to get fit yet again. Extremely proud of my walk today. Great post brother, inspiring.
Well done, Matt. You keep listening to that uplifting music and getting out. Pace yourself. I didn’t and I think it has a little bit to do with losing my gall bladder.
From my garden:
Way Cool!
Yay for remembering to have balance!! Goals can, an should, be modified as Life gives you surprises.
Absolutely, Bubbles. There are more involved in my life than just me.
I’m always confused by people who seem to forget that they can change their mind and/or their path.
Bravo nephew! 👏. You have your priorities in the right place. Remember the woman at the well. She kept trying to find complete fulfillment in the wrong things. At the well, she was given the water she needed that put her in the position where she would never thirst again. 🙌
And thank you!
You’re welcome!
Yeppers. gotta keep them priorities straight.
Always best to do what you have to do no matter what someone else says or does.
Good for you! Be proud of your choices. And peace and strength will follow. 🙂
Thank you friend. I appreciate your encouragement!
Sounds like you’re back in the saddle Ben! Good to hear!
Perhaps a little saddle sore in some areas.
I’m glad you came to that final conclusion. Also, I feel like I got a workout just reading this, so I’m good. Thanks for that! 😀
Ha ha! There are some folks that I have watched work out and it exhausts me just looking! Thanks for your encouragement, Jeff!
Yup – what is meant for her is not meant for everyone!
We all find our own paths in life ❤️
You made me think of that song … “I’m gonna be” … I would walk 500 miles 🎶 lol
😄❤️ life your life the way you love it ❤️ cherish the important things, enjoy all the moments… and stay away from anything toxic!!
Some people are just that way.
I am trying to avoid toxic for sure! Having good priorities is important!
It’s always good to keep in mind what’s important. Not totally the same, but still: when I was growing up it was repeatedly drummed into my head how I should be ambitious and the best at everything and I used to dream of an epic science job abroad where I’d be the next industry leader. Fast forward a few years and even though I’m doing a PhD and am quite good at what I do, I’m also very much in love and chose to come back to my country to build a life with my boyfriend and my family. Luckily I have good career opportunities here even if I might have to work a lot harder for similar goals, and that was of course a huge factor, because I don’t think I’d be happy if I’d have come back to a dead end job and no growth prospects, but it’s still hard for people to understand how I could go study abroad and still come back, which they see as a step back even though it isn’t, because unless you get Bill Gates level lucky, most of the first world countries are actually about the same, specially for an engineer. Younger me wouldn’t understand this, but a career (whichever kind) isn’t everything and if you want to be a well-rounded person with a life, gardening, love, family, cooking, hobbys etc. are equally important. I find most people who dedicate their whole life to a specific career just up and die one day once they can’t work anymore (either literally or metaphorically).
Petra, you are an incredible person and I appreciate and applaud your outlook on life. Family and meaningful relationships are beautiful and careers are a mechanism to enhance those day-to-day enjoyments.
It is always nice to hear the wisdom of the great Erratic Engineeress!
Hahaha thank you, I’m happy to share all of my mighty 27 years of wisdom
Young face mature brain.
All of this is inspiring—the thought of walking 50 miles in 24 hours, your gorgeous flowers, and especially your love of family.
Family first, family everything! I walked 35 miles from Pueblo to Colorado Springs last year. Gardening has always been a passion, imparted by my grandmother.
Thank you for dropping by Crystal! It is always nice to have you at the Campfire!
You can do it! AND it is more important to follow Jesus and not get ahead of Him and His timing. When it is right to spend your time in that manner, He’ll let you know. Good for you for putting the first things first. You won’t go wrong if you continue on with your priorities in the correct order!
Thank you Mamalava! I appreciate your kind words! Nice site by the way!
Thanks for stopping by! :). Have a great day!
You as well!
Dear Benjamin, beautiful narrative
Thank You Anand Bose!
Very good article. Thought-provoking!
Thank you JPC Allen from the amazing JPCAllenwrites.com !