Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!
It was a long, hard day at work, but I accomplished a lot. Community contacts are part of the game, and I reached out to a lot of organizations today. I wonder if they compare notes after I call.

The tough part is while I am fairly sociable, I am in all actuality an introvert. Slowly, I am getting better at managing a large flow of people in my life.
I am good at mingling and being in a crowd, but being personable non stop is exhausting.
It is the weekend now, so I will put such things aside.
We built a Campfire today to fire some more pottery. I am getting a little better at sintering the home levigated clay.

I have been learning a lot about the art of ancient pottery from a fellow named Andy Ward from https://www.andywardpottery.com/.
He has a lot of excellent tutorials, and one day, I may attend one of his classes.
This fire is made exclusively from old, broken furniture. If you look at the picture above, I placed a cabinet door on coals, then placed bricks to rest my pottery on. Tomorrow will be the day to see how well I did.

Awesome photos and written lines 👌🌷🙏🌹
Thanks! How was your day?
So welcome 🙏🌷yes , myself cooking cleaning and
See FB, WordPress like that now 9:40 pm ready !
So fast boring Day going to finish 😊🙏🌷
Very good job.
Well, congratulations to both of you.👍
Thank you !
yayyyy! You strike me as an extrovert ( I do to most too) but maybe you’re an ambivert like me.. 💖
Hello Cindy! I am compelled by societal norms to engage in pro social behavior.🤠🔥😆
Gotcha Ben💕👏😍
Oh great
Thank you Pooja Banwari Lal!
How are you, little neice?🤠🔥
I’m good what about you?
All is well. I have been working a lot. How is college?
Good ! Great going .
I am glad to hear all is well!
How is the family?🤠🔥
All are good , busy in own work 😅
Yeah, life can be like that.
And your??
We are well. School started late, but we have resumed in person. I am volunteering to teach PE (Physical Education)
Oh great but my College is Not open now .
Oh, I see. So, what do you have going on at the moment?
Virtually class attended now
Oh, like Zoom and Google Meets?
Yes being an introvert and interacting with lots of people is exhausting. It looks pottery brings you a lot of joy!
Agreed! My new job requires a LOT of interaction. Pottery is enjoyable, Cassa Bassa!
The colours in your photos look awesome, especially the first one. 🙂
Thank you!