Brothers Campfire Receives An Icy Challenge

Cold times, friends, pilgrims.

Bleak times are ahead. I have been challenged by the world renowned Lydia Potter to pour a bucket of icy water on my head. She’s my little sister. I got it to do.

I remember when she went down an did the same thing a few days back. It was a regular Right of Passage for her for her graduation.

My Sister, Lydia

Now there’s no telling about the ways of women folk, but she went and poured the coldest kind of water on her blessed little noggin and she wants me to do it as well.

Let me tell you somethin. I have looked death in the eye and done some pretty rowdy livin in my life, but I never dumped a bucket of ice water on my head. It’s barbaric and likely to kill a man as sure as he sits there lettin it happen.

Now… I hemmed and I hawd… I made me an honest effort to find a way out, but …. She double dog dared me. Let me tell you, when a little sister double dog dares, there is no back up or back down to be had. You have it to do.

So, I am goin to do it. This may be my last blog post if I don’t make it.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

71 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Receives An Icy Challenge

  1. herbthiel says:

    Well, son, I’m proud of you for mannin’ up to this challenge. I mean, a double-dog dare is a double-dog dare. If the worst happens, don’t worry about your blog. I’ll go ahead and kill off all of your characters in some novel fashion. Maybe there will be a plague or pestilence across the land and even though they all stay in, they still all catch it and somehow die. I guess that means you better survive.

  2. chicky1968 says:

    Ahh, you’ll be fine you big baby! It’s just ice water and a bucket. Hahaha *Big Smiles* I needed that laugh. I want to see pictures and possibly video posted when you do it. ~Chicky~

      1. chicky1968 says:

        I would love to see one of your famous stories for the ice bucket challenge. Remember, you’ve double dog-dared! LOL

        1. Benjamin says:

          I was! I will do the deed soon, but the post may take a while to post due to my work schedule!

  3. Lydia Potter says:

    Whatever you did to my picture, ewww!
    You won’t die… it’s really fine.

    1. Benjamin says:

      What’s the matter with your picture? Did water get spilled on it?

        1. Benjamin says:

          The deed is done! I tried to make you look sinister, sister!

          1. Benjamin says:

            I put a link so they could see you for real. How about I change it.

          2. Lydia Potter says:

            I’m crying laughing at the conversation between you and your dad… now for the real deal

          1. Lydia Potter says:

            You’re alive!!!!!!!!!!!
            I’m sure you didn’t put as much ice in it as I did.

  4. Abhishek pathania says:

    Damn it Brother 👊😉🔥🔥 I just watched your YouTube video, and believe me, you’ve aced this challenge like a boss.

  5. science_girrrrrl says:

    Lord… I hope you have made it.
    My prayers are with you, friend…

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