Akanksha Singh- Contributing Author at Brothers Campfire


Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

When I discovered WordPress and found one of those newfangled Gravatars, I met some really neat folks who encouraged and inspired me to keep writing. I enjoy it as a valuable outlet and tool.

One of the first bloggers to read my stories was Akanksha Singh, author of Bulbul’s Bubble.

She is a recipient of the Northwich Warrior Award, an honor bestowed on those that face fear and write about it.

I am impressed with Akanksha Singh’s style of writing and I was hooked after reading her short story titled The Big Blue Umbrella. Akanksha Singh is passionate about writing and can be bribed with good food, particularly coffee as evidenced by her buy me a coffee page. https://ko-fi.com/bbubble

Coffee is a food group. (Statement of Fact)

Akanksha Singh is a leader. While she is working to be published, she is helping others fulfill their dream with tutorials and providing resources and links. That is impressive in a world of every man for themselves. Publishing Help

When we heard that Akanksha Singh was interested in joining the Brother’s Campfire Team in a collaboration, we celebrated. Now, if you have not been to a Brother’s Campfire celebration, they look like this.

Well, Pretty Close.

Shortly, Akanksha Singh of Bulbul’s Bubble will tell a unique and beautiful story about a blue blanket here at Brother’s Campfire.

Don’t miss out and be sure to subscribe to my mailing list so you get every post!


Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

26 thoughts on “Akanksha Singh- Contributing Author at Brothers Campfire

  1. Cindy Georgakas says:

    Great story and inspiration! Congratulations to Akanksha and to you Ben for sharing it!
    Great addition to the campfire! ❤️ Cindy

  2. Lookoom says:

    I’ve just read The Big-Blue Umbrella, I agree that it takes talent to write such a strong story in so few words. Thanks for sharing.

  3. bluemallowmelt says:

    I loved The Big Blue Umbrella. Touching, yet you can remain indifferent (though you must be emotionless…) Just a wonderful story

          1. Benjamin says:

            Ha ha! Join the Campfire! We have plenty!☁🍫☁🍫☁🍫☁🍫☁🍫🍽

  4. Bulbul says:

    Oh my god! Ben, this is extremely flattering and I am blushing hard over here.
    Thank you so much for everything, I am honoured and grateful, truly. I’ll always be indebted to you for the love you showed for my story.
    Thank again.

    1. Benjamin says:

      She is amazing, Doctor! Also check The Blue Blanket on this site. She made me tear up with her words.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I saw the comment after I commented. Sorry.
          She has a whole site of such delectables.🤠🔥

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