Brothers Campfire Adventure 6/29/2020

Hello Friends!

Every good adventure starts with a cup of coffee.

An already exhausted me sips life into my veins.

Today was a big day for the tribe. As always, we started off in an epic manner with a heap of banana pancakes and sausage. It was quite chilly as we are camping in a high mountain desert and it requires a lot of calories to stay functional.

Prior to leaving, I took a picture of one of the many thousand natives in the irritation ponds nearby. They are also heavily stocked with tilapia, but they are much quieter than the frogs.

We drove into the base of the Sangre De Cristo mountains from our base and into a very unique ecosystem, the Great Sand Dunes of Colorado.

The first thing we did upon arrival is put on ski masks. Very tiny peices of sand can become embedded in the eyes and cause a lot of irritation, especially if the wind is blowing. If you are familiar with Colorado, the sun shines and the wind blows. This microclimate stretches 13 to 15 miles along the base of the mountain rainge

Being a little risky, I tried my hand at sand boarding. I did not do half bad. My Beloved proved to have excellent balance as well.

Waxing The Board Is Important.

We are totally landlocked and a beach is mostly foreign to us. Nevertheless, we persued building a sand village.

A river runs above ground early in the year, and in areas, the sand is damp so we also took the opportunity to show Jesus our love for Him.

Life in the high mountain desert is present if you know where to look. This variety of cactus does not bloom for long. I do not believe in luck, but I was fortunate to get this picture.

Below the Grasshopper is a Bee.

The desert began to wear on us. Our scalps, noses, ears, eyes, mouths, and clothing where covered with dusty residue. I ate dirt with all of my snacks which I hadto cut in small peices to eat while I wait for my tooth.

The pancakes inspired excellence. The egg salad sandwich above was eggcellent, but it was time for a change.

We got in the car and headed back to base. Stopping for overly overpriced ice cream, we headed to the town of Monte Vista. Surprisingly, there is a wetland wildlife refuge on the outskirts. We did see a few birds, but the landscape really stood out in comparison to the surrounding countryside.

Well, the sun sets and I am preparing to see what the next day will bring!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

65 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Adventure 6/29/2020

      1. ChallEngEr says:

        Having a great day .just preparing for another class.
        How about you?

        1. Benjamin says:

          I just woke up 45 mins ago. I am preparing to get everything in thr car soon. What classes are you taking?

          1. ChallEngEr says:

            Oh . Wishing you a great andventurous and safe day.
            No I’m teaching grade 7.Its only them at school so we’re awaiting turns.

  1. leendadll says:

    I remember ridin’ Death Valley sand dunes on snow saucers.

    Looks like you had a lot of fun. Thanks for the share and the memory!

    1. Benjamin says:

      I bet it is hot in Death Valley! Up here it is cooler than a lot of deserts I imagine.

        1. Benjamin says:

          It is so chilly this morning. The sand does not hold heat very long. It is either moderately hot or verty cold!

  2. MichaelStephenWills says:

    We have land in the mountains outside of Fort Garland and enjoy visiting the San Luis Valley, the largest alpine valley in the world. Very unique ecosystems…what an adventure!!!

  3. Kally says:

    Looks like you had yourself an awesome day! Love the sunset shot.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am still at it. We are moving on towards the mountains. I am glad you liked my photo! 🤠🔥 As always, thank you for being the wonderful blogger you are, Kally!

      1. Kally says:

        Awwww.. likewise you are totally awesome as well.

  4. Susi Bocks says:

    Oh, you brought back some good memories for me. We took our family to the Great Dunes when they were younger. It was so much fun! 🙂

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello Susi! I am glad it brought memories of good times! We had a lot of fun as well. I am still trying to get rid of all the sand I have accumulated!

  5. rue202 says:

    Awesome! Looks like fun (and that food looks delicious!)

  6. Beverly says:

    Beautiful! What an incredible adventure!

    1. Benjamin says:

      We had a wonderful time, Suni! I appreciate your encouragement!

    1. Benjamin says:

      I love a good cup of French press coffee! Yummy Yummy!🤠🔥

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