Brothers Campfire Sunday Monday Scramble!

Hello Friends!

I would like to express my love and gratitude for my Beloved. She keeps me well fed!

As American as Red Chile

Brother’s Campfire at Willow Manor is busy busy. On Sunday, One of my dear friends taught me basic steps on how to use a chainsaw safely. I was provided with a hard hat, ear protection and safety glasses. There is much more to using a chainsaw than meets the eye.

Don’t let a chainsaw meet the eye. That is bad. As you see in the picture below, I started small.

I learned that you cut with the top one third of the chainsaw and work straight down. It is important that the chain does not touch the ground while running as it wears the blade down.

I made quite a few mistakes, but by the end of the afternoon I felt like I had learned the basics of a new skill.

Brother’s Campfire goes through a lot of firewood so it is good to build relationships with arborists. My friend is a pro, but he is very private and does not wish for a shout out. I respect that or this post would be about how amazing he is.

As I said at the beginning, busy busy! I also have taken time to learn more about sprinklers. No one really wants to read a blog about sprinklers, but I will leave you this; a whole valve with a solenoid is cheaper than individual parts.

The Valve Is 21 USD. The Solenoid On Top That Says “warning” Is 9 USD.
Diaphragm on the Right, 16 USD.

As you see, the diapham parts and the solenoid total 25 USD, but the whole thing is cheaper. FYI.

I worked on the sprinkler boxes most of Monday. If I learn the electronics part, I will have another skillset under my belt! I would like to thank my friend John Leyba Senior for helping me troubleshoot. We interacted in a series of texts lile this one.

I did leave some time for entertainment and tried something I saw online with Trumpet, my goose. She had a blast and kept coming for more. Silly goose!

You can watch our antics Here.

By the way, if you subscribe, you will get the video before my posts come out and get a leg up on everyone else!

Well friends, I hope you have a beautiful day. It is time for me to get ready for work!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

66 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Sunday Monday Scramble!

  1. Lydia Potter says:

    Oh wow! That looked brutal at first, but it was also a little funny.
    I was subscribed, but haven’t hit the bell for notifications. I just did it! 🙂

    1. Herb says:

      I didn’t think it looked brutal. Lightly tossing a waterfowl into water seems fine.

      1. Lydia Potter says:

        Well, I felt the poor thing’s tummy drop like it was on a roller coaster.
        He’s your son… of course you support everything he does.

        1. Benjamin says:

          She came back for more! I did it a lot before I recorded it.

          1. Lydia Potter says:

            That is true.
            Oh oh oh! Now that the truth comes out! Uhhhh huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          2. Benjamin says:

            I do trial runs before I record. I am not aa confident as you!

          3. Lydia Potter says:

            I am and your dad told me a while back something like this “it’s too late now. you signed up for this. can’t get out… you’re stuck with us forever.”

          4. Benjamin says:

            Ha ha! You are in good company. You enjoy ice cream. You must be family.

          5. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Lord Benjamin of Colorado: Hey Trumpet! Wanna see a trick?

            Trumpet: Sure Boss

            Lord Benjamin: Tosses trumpet away

            Trumpet: Now I toss you!

            Lord Benjamin: Come here!

            Trumpet: Walks over

            Lord Benjamin: Tosses him again

            Trumpet: Hey! Rules?!

            Lord Benjamin: 🤠🤠

          6. Ishaan Sharma says:

            How about “First Lady of The United States”?
            She’s a lady I believe?
            How exactly do you give someone respect in speech in the US?
            There seems to be no suffix or prefix for that!

          7. Benjamin says:

            We threw tea in the ocean over royalty. Boston Tea Party. Well, I may be embellishing a little, but royalty is rather Un American to me.

          8. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Yeah. I have heard of the party. The tea came from India I believe. The East Indian Company.
            Good Job!

            But why’s it called a party?😃

          9. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I am not on any social media.
            But there are millions of Ishaan and millions of sharma. And millions of Ishaan Sharma 😃
            Why do you ask?

          10. leendadll says:

            “The esteemed” Mr or Mrs Blahblahblah. Or suffix of “Esquire”, though no one really uses that anymore.

          11. Benjamin says:

            I don’t even know what that means. Just don’t call me late for dinner.🤠🔥

          12. leendadll says:

            “You can call me anything, just don’t call me late for dinner!”… an old joke

          13. Benjamin says:

            It is an ice breaker for honorifics. Say I call you Baron Ishaan when you are actually the King. When I find out and apologize, you may say that you don’t mind, just don’t call me late for supper.

    2. Benjamin says:

      Brutal goose chucking? I am fairly confident Trumpet enjoyed it. They land in water pretty frequently. Thanks for subscribing and hitting the bell!

        1. herbthiel says:

          If a goose doesn’t like what you are doing you are likely to be injured very quickly.

  2. Herb says:

    Very cool. One possible upshot is that if he brings you wood you could wind up with different bugs in your ecosystem also.

  3. Ishaan Sharma says:

    When in the end you waved at the cam, trumpet did it too! She’s too smart for a goose 😂😂
    That makes me ask: Can’t ducks and geese fly 😅

    1. Benjamin says:

      Yes, they can fly. She is pretty fat and happy and haa stuck around. She hets offended when I trim her feathers.

  4. dumbestblogger says:

    Chainsaws are awesome! When I was 12 or 13 I sawed into a bees nest with one. I couldn’t open my left eye the next day.

        1. leendadll says:

          That was my first thought but, given your age when it happened, I thought I should ask!

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