Brothers Campfire Christmas

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

I am a few days late, but I wanted to share my Christmas with you.

Christmas day began at 0445 hours when I heard a strange beeping sound coming from my nightstand.

You Can Experience It Here!

It was time to go to work. After throwing my uniform on, I realized I didn’t give myself enough time to make a pot of coffee so I washed my face, shaved, and hopped in the car.

A few looks in the rearview demonstrated that I missed a few spots and I had shaving cream behind the ears, but it was 0600 Showtime with Single Cell Rock.

My staff were amazing and the offenders were a little surly, but we got through the preparation of 800 or so holiday meals. I sent them on their way with a belly full of roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, and lots of frosted cake.

Let me give you a word of advice. If you ever find yourself working in a prison, remember; full inmates seldom fight.

After partying with hundreds of distant relatives, (Ham, Shem, and Japheth’s kids) I drove to my fathers house to celebrate again. (Herb Thiel)

Now, I’m not sure where it started, but we celebrate by eating a lot of pizza. It is convenient to heat and relatively filling. I ate 1600 calories more than my diet calls for and logged it proudly.



I don’t know where I fit all that, but I still am losing weight!

In all fairness, I wasn’t the only one excited about the tablefare. My cousin Deeny over extended herself a bit with the tableware.

Her spoon went through the plate!

Anyways, Later on, we opened gifts as a family. Many of us had already opened gifts at home and this was just a little additional fun.

Barbara, kinfolk of ours, and an avid reader of my stories had a wonderful gift for me, dark roast coffee!


Barbara and I!

Towards the end, we played a number of games and ate a cinnamon bread dish that is a family tradition.

We had an amazing time with our family! What traditions do you have for Christmas?

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

74 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Christmas

      1. ellie894 says:

        Thank you! You’re not late, Christmas is always right on time! 😊

  1. Hannah Calintina says:

    Was that beeping sound really real?😱

  2. Lia says:

    Nice app for the photos! Great share. 💛

      1. Lia says:

        Wow that is so awesome… thank you!! Lots of love to you and your lovely family. And likewise happy old year and best beautiful wishes for 2021! xoxo

    1. Benjamin says:

      I did! Carbohydrates seem to be a topic for us! 😁 I trust your holidays were good as well?

  3. Bulbul says:

    (Belated) Merry Christmas, Ben, to you and your loved ones! I hope you had a blast. Although, the pics are the proof enough of an extremely delicious one.
    Cheers 🎉✨🥂👍🙏🤗💙

    1. Benjamin says:

      We had a blast, Pam! How is the weather over there? We are getting snow flurries.

      1. pam@ichoosethis says:

        We had snow flurries yesterday – got about an inch? I wish it would just dump! Happy New Year!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hey, I am always calmer after eating. Happy New Year To You!

  4. S.D. McKinley says:

    Merry late Christmas and a Happy New Year. Glad you kept the offenders from fighting!! 🥂

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha Ha! Same to you friend! They usually act fairly decent, but the holidays are hard for them.

      1. S.D. McKinley says:

        I can see that. I can appreciate what you said about the food. I’ve heard stories about all that and I can sympathize! And, thanks for the follow back, really! Anything of what I just said, I don’t think are frivolous activities. 🤠

      1. Ryan Callahan says:

        Sounds nice! I do miss the snow sometimes. It was a sunny 75 degrees here in Florida today. It got down to 37 degrees on Friday night. It gets surprisingly chilly here sometimes, but nothing like Colorado. Colorado will always be in my heart for sure. Great memories growing up there and living there for 34 years. Enjoy the beautiful snow!

        1. Benjamin says:

          Thanks for dropping by. When you visit Colorado, let me know!

  5. gifted50 says:

    Your stories are always such fun!! I am happy to hear of your great Christmas. On my end no complaints!

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am glad you enjoy them, Pene! I wish you a beautiful new year as well!

  6. cookingflip says:

    I like the way you treat the inmates as relatives, lol. But true, we all share a common ancestor in Noah.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! I say that on holidays. They are difficult distant relatives, 😆

  7. Beverly says:

    Good times, surrounded by your loved ones, is something to be treasured. After God, family and friends have helped make this difficult year better. Thanks for sharing this great post, nephew! Boy, you cousin is something else! 😂. I told her to post a response. 😎 Looking forward to more family gatherings! 😁

    1. Benjamin says:

      Indeed good times! As I look back, the sorrows are outweighed by the good blessings of the Lord. Deeny is a cool little Cuz, that is for sure, and yes! More family gatherings are in order!

      1. Beverly says:

        Amen, they were outweighed by His blessings! Yes, she is good people and she has great examples with all of you. Yes, in order!

  8. Soni Cool😎 says:

    It always feel the best to celebrate any occassions with our own people… Good to know you celebrated the special day nicely… 😃 Have a nice day Benjamin😊❤️

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello Soni! We had a great Christmas. Celebrating with family is indeed the best! How is your singing coming along?

      1. Soni Cool😎 says:

        Hi Benjamin… Great😃 mmm well i actually took small break from singing, writing and painting too… Gradually starting back on them… Hehe thanks you reminded me of singing…will sing soon😃😊😊😊

  9. achme24gmailcom says:

    You’re blessed big bro

  10. rue202 says:

    Celebrated Christmas this year for the first time in ages, so don’t really have any Christmas traditions as of yet 🙂

  11. Petra says:

    Merry Christmas! Sounds like you had a nice one. Funnily enough, I also use the Loseit app, although I’m currently way over my calories because holidays are for eating.

  12. Deeny says:

    Lol it was a wonderful time indeed. Can’t say I enjoy stabbing plates with silverware like I do when I’m with you all. This was great😂. Another amazing blog post Cuz!

  13. Loveblossom says:

    Festival days becomes a blessing when we celebrate it with family and friends.
    Merry Christmas and Happy new year brother Ben 🤠🔥♥️🌺
    Right time for new year wishing😁 but I am very late for Christmas😞

  14. Gersom Clark says:

    Happy New Year Ben! GOD bless you and your family! May we have the peace in 2021 that only JESUS can give!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Happy new year to you as well, Gersom Clark! May your year be blessed!

  15. Cassa Bassa says:

    Looks like a blessed family gathering and celebration. We usually do Christmas lunch and only gifts for the children. We watch Christmas movies like Exodus, Passion of the Christ, Home and Alone, Love Actually, or the Comedy Show. 😁

    1. Benjamin says:

      Making Jesus first and foremost is where the real value lies. We exchange smaller gifts as adults and they are not as surprising to save money. Thank you for sharing how you spend Christmas. May 2021 be filled with Joy from above. Benjamin

  16. jowilkinson51 says:

    How great you got to have Christmas with your family. Over here in the UK we were all devistated when our big family Christmas was derailed by last minute “emergency lockdowns”. Along with many others, we struggled to drop/swap presents etc. at strategic locations without breaking regulations (it was somewhat reminisent of wartime tactical planning lol). We managed to get all but two adult presents to their destinations but it was a shattering blow not to be together. So glad others were able to enjoy that. Fingers crossed for Easter.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am sorry about your experience. I hope Easter looks better for you.

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