Good News and Another Shopping Adventure Brothers Campfire

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Good News.

My Beautiful Bride is able to shrug both of her shoulders with effort, use a walker with several hefty modifications, and somewhat navigate stairs with a rail. That is a long way from December second.

My Beloved’s mom will be living with us for a while and today is her day to visit. COVID restrictions allow for one visitor per 24 hour period, so we take turns.

My daughter will get to go tomorrow, so today, I ran errands.

With that time, I had to stop by the bank.

A while ago, I had taken my supervisor’s shirt in to have a patch sewn on and they attached it wrong. You can read about it here if you are interested.

Well, to make a short story long, I returned the shirt and they would not make it right without me paying again.

The total for one patch repair was under 10 dollars so I went to the bank ATM to get cash.

After going back, they told me that it was their mistake and would not take my money. Someone there made it right. Way cool.

They Did Not Take Me To The Cleaners

I notifed my supervisor that her shirt was done.

Hopefully, she has not been promoted or something and is unable to use it.

Paying bills and buying things all by myself has been among toughest parts of this journey with my family. Fortunately, she is expected to be home December 30th.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

50 thoughts on “Good News and Another Shopping Adventure Brothers Campfire

  1. cheriewhite says:

    What a blessing this is, Ben! I’m so happy your sweetie is progressing so beautifully! May God bless you all and your wife return to optimal health! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year! 🎄 🥂🍾🎉🥳

  2. kagould17 says:

    Great news Benjamin. It will be nice when she gets to come home. Stay well. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      It sure will. There is a long road to recovery ahead 🤠🔥

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Sandy. I appreciate you for stopping by the Campfire! 🤠🔥

  3. Herb says:

    Good to hear. Recovery at home will be better in the long run, I think. Very incredible turnaround time!

  4. pam@ichoosethis says:

    Benjamin! I had to go back a few posts to catch up. I am so, so sorry to hear about your wife. Sounds like she is slowly recovering, this is good news. Hang in there.

  5. Greg Taniguchi says:

    That is good news, and I know how that is because my dad had two strokes. Along with one of my ex’s who had two friends who had them in their late thirties to early forties.

    1. Benjamin says:

      It is good news for sure! 🤠🔥Oh my! That is a Lot of strokes!

  6. Dominic Alapat says:

    Glad to hear that your wife is better from before! Also, happy to know that she’ll be home soon!

    1. Benjamin says:

      She is steadily improving friend! I appreciate your kind words, thoughts, and prayers! 🤠🔥

  7. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    So nice to hear that your wife is getting fast recovery, she is young so sure 😊👏🙏🌷
    The hospital send home also 1 week twice want to take her physiotherapy ,
    She sure will be pink of health and can come normal life by the grace of God 🙏💕🎄

  8. Cassa Bassa says:

    Oh how about an early discharge by Christmas????🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    1. Benjamin says:

      That sounds good, but I want her to get all the therapy she can! 🤠🔥

  9. endorsum says:

    This is great news! I wish you all festivities full of love and ever-increasing health! A brotherly embrace 🤗

  10. Petra says:

    That’s great, I hope she’ll make a full recovery soon!

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