Brothers Campfire on Crowns, Clothing, Nest Eggs, and Weaponry

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Yesterday started our with a long-awaited dentist appointment.

8 AM to 12:30 PM were spent sitting in a chair getting two crowns and two fillings. I am glad they got it done, but I was worn out afterward.

When I returned home, I had to reset for an hour to not feel as rotten. My jaw and teeth hurt pretty bad.

There was work to be done here at Willow Manor so I reshaped the duck pond and leveled the garden area. While working, I found this stash of eighteen duck eggs so it looks like the epic breakfasts will continue.

My Beloved said not to overdo it as I had been to the dentist, but purchasing clothing for my new job was way tougher than any shoveling or yard work. Fortunately, I had a lot of assistance.

Thanks Beloved

In between and during my chores, I walked seven miles. I am still practicing to meet my physical fitness goals, but time is escaping me no matter how hard I try to plan!

I have been dabbling in knife making as a hobby and picked up some aluminum bar stock for gaurds. I figure it will be a lit easier to file through than welding steel. I also tried my jand at a little leatherworking, but it has a lot to be desired, much like my knives!

Not Pretty, Rustic and Practical

The knife fits secure in the sheath and the waistline on a belt.

I gifted it to the Twelve Year Veteran of Life, and told him if it breaks or wears down, we will just make a better one.

That was yesterday. This is today. My back and teeth hurt so bad I couldn’t sleep past 4 AM. I overdid it.

Should have listened to my Beloved.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

45 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire on Crowns, Clothing, Nest Eggs, and Weaponry

    1. Benjamin says:

      It isn’t that bad. What kind of tools do you have laying around?

        1. Benjamin says:

          If you have a belt sander or angle grinder, nothing is stopping you.

          1. Lance Thompson says:

            We have a belt sander but it’s a flat top table sander. Ones I’ve seen smiths use is vertical for sharpening and edge management.

  1. Beverly says:

    Nice on finding all those eggs!! Great job on the knife making and the leatherwork. It will be mastered in time, don’t worry. Praying for you on the back and teeth. Please take it easy today.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Auntie Beverly! I am shopping with my Beloved right now, so resting a little easy.

      1. Beverly says:

        You’re welcome, nephew! That is great…relaxing, fun and exciting!

  2. herbthiel says:

    The sheath looks good in the picture. I agree you should take it easy.

  3. Petra says:

    Oh no! But really nice blade! I had a dentist appointment today, I’m getting my wisdom teeth taken out in May, finally

    1. Benjamin says:

      I had 8 removed at one time on my 21st Birthday. Fun stuff. Get well soon!

  4. 9siduri says:

    Two crowns and two fillings! My jaw hurts just thinking about it. I recently had a root canal. The most painful part was the bill—but that’s another story.

    Best of luck with the knife.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Bills are painful! Thank you for the well wishes!🤠🔥🔪

  5. Lia says:

    I love the photos! I’ve always wanted to know what the rubber dam thing looked like from outside my own head haha! Nice share. :)) 😊

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! Now we know! Have a beautiful week, Lia!🤠🔥😜😝😅

      1. Lia says:

        Thank you so much Benjamin, you too! :))) 🙏🙌🎉😃

  6. Jaskiers says:

    That knife looks gorgeous ! Fine work right here ! Respect !
    I really love those articles men !

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you. I have been working hard on them. I have a long way to go for making bevels and such. Thank you fpr the encouragement!🤠🔥

  7. Amber says:

    Oh my no bueno be careful. I need a knife….

  8. rue202 says:

    Hope you feel better soon! Always listen to your wife!

    And LOVE those knives!

  9. Cindy Georgakas says:

    feeling your pain Ben! I had to go for a cleaning today for the first time in a year and a half. Gotta go back for another but it was painless. Sorry!!

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am almost better now. Perhaps I am a baby. 🤠😜🔥😅

  10. Omatra7 says:

    Lol… yes see … listening … we know things – that’s why you survive lol ✌️😄

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