When Adversity comes…

6 thoughts on “When Adversity comes…

  1. Jeff says:

    We had some mild adversity, last night. The power went off, around 1:30 AM. Having memories of last February’s winter storm (Texas), when we were without power for over thirty hours (some had it worse, for five days), I was initially angry, mostly at Texas’s governor and ERCOT (Electricity Reiliability Council of Texas . . . a real joke). However, the Holy Spirit spoke peace into my spirit by reminding me that my hope and trust is not in human beings, but in the Lord. It took me a while to calm down, but the power came back on in a little over an hour, and all is well. So far.

    1. tamburelli’sThankfulnessandlove says:

      It can be frustrating just a little when something like that happens but like you said God simply reminds us, we need to put our trust in God and not in human. People will fail and let us down but God never will. When I read the part when you said “it took me a while to calm down, but the power came back on ….all is well “ I started thinking that’s how it is in our life’s. When we are facing -going through something, we can become Anxious/ Stirred up…in those times it’s hard to see the light; what God see’s. But when we stop and simply say Lord I trust you, later on we look back and see what God was trying to show us.

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