Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!
My Beloved’s return home been postponed and the next tentative out date is January 4th, 2022.
For those of you recently following, My Beloved had a significant stroke on December 2nd and she has been in the Hospital recovering.
She is a scrapper and has applied herself to physical, occupational, recreational, and speech therapy with ferocious vigor.

I am proud of her; today I helped her use a walker. She is not quite ready to use it though, but with assistance can get pretty far.
Tomorrow, I will be taking a class at the hospital to learn some skills for when she does come home such as wheel chair transfers, stair climbing, gait belt use and other tips we may need along the way.
A wheelchair will not be proscribed or provided. Fortunately, I can acquire two. I cannot imagine why not. I still believe in miracles, so we will be OK!
I was told the insurance companies call wheelchairs “outside care” or something to that effect. Life may look something like this for a person who cannot walk from a Google review I read today.

So far, I can afford one out of pocket if necessary, but my heart goes out to homebound people that might be out there because they cannot afford one or get assistance with repair.

There are a few charities that say they provide free wheelchairs and repairs and I am sure they do. However, I am leery about donations to charities.
Well, I am off to new learning experiences. If you have any information you would like to share to include links, please feel free to share in the comment section.
If you are affiliated with a church, they can be a lot of help in times of need.
I’m glad to hear your beloved is continuing to improve…a step at a time eventually gets you there. 💕
Oh, I agree on local churches for sure! I have had overwhelming assistance from mine. My heart goes out to the hurting who may not have the resources or the know how to aquire medical equipment if insurance or circumstances inhibit them. Yes! One step at a time! She is a fighter! 🤠🔥
A fighter with a beautiful smile. 😊
Your beloved sounds like a fighter. My late in-laws both died of strokes, one in her late seventies and the other in his eighties. Both had had strokes before had had heart attacks. They both fought back to live happily and actively to a good age. Prayer will undoubtedly help, but the great thing is that you have someone who wants to work together with the prayer and not depend on it alone as a crutch. May God bless you both.
I am sorry for your loss, Friend.
Faith without works is dead for sure. Thanks for stopping by today. It is always nice to hear from you!
🤠🔥Thank you for assessing a painting the other day!
Your wife is a great and gorgeous artist!!! 😊🌹
Man I second that 👍
Best of luck in getting everything all set Benjamin. My wife’s father had a heart attack last January and while a wheelchair was available from the Red Cross, he had nobody to push it frequently, so we tend to get a loaner from the Red Cross when we are in town. I should say my F-I-L has a bad attitude, so has not made it easy for us to provide assistance from far away or when in town. All the best, my friend. Allan
Thanks Allan! I have the best folks in the world supporting me at the moment! My heart goes out to those that cannot get help so easy. 🤠🔥
When my mom needed a wheelchair, a lady at the bank loaned us one. You never know where help will come from! Praying for all the best for you and your family.
Ha ha! So true on you never know where!
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers friend! 🤠🔥
Your wife’s progress has been inspiring. Best of luck with the wheel chairs and hopes they won’t be needed for long.
Yes sir! And thank you!
I have a wheelchair to use and am ready to give it back as soon as possible! 🤠🔥
She is such a great a strong lady..and a wonderful artist.
Thank you friend! 🤠🔥
When you are pushing her in the wheelchair, if you treat her like you would like to be treated if you were in it, you won’t go far wrong.
Ha ha! Thank you! Roger that!
Sorry to hear the delay, strenght comes in many ways sometimes we find it when needed, hope you do. My Dad is on wheel chair after a cerebral stroke and I take care of him at home. Best of luck and Happier New Year!
Thank you for the encouragement, Friend. Also, well wishes to your Father! 🤠🔥
I guess it depends on the insurance. I thought my dad’s wheelchair was at least partially covered, but my memory frequently fails me. At any rate, if you find yourself in need, please reach out to me. Love the picture at the beginning. What an encouraging and lovely smile. Definitely a picture of determination.
She is determined!
We have several wheelchairs to work with at the moment, but my heart goes out to those who may have a hard time getting one. I appreciate you Jeff! 🤠🔥
I’m sorry that your wife’s release has been delayed, but on the other hand if the delay leads to a better outcome, it’s worth it. Best wishes to you both.
I agree Linda. Today we learned a lot about home care.
I’m so sorry Isabel’s homecoming has been postponed. And I had no idea most insurers don’t pay for wheelchairs. This needs to change. It just goes to show how lowdown insurance companies can be. 😔
Ha ha! It is for the best that she is staying to ensure that I have proper training and that she is well enough to go home.
It is a walker or a wheelchair. The walker she will need is specialized so it was more efficient to ask around for wheels.
It is frustrating that going out to the store is secondary for insurance. 🤠🔥
I can only imagine. Maybe after you’ve made an announcement on SM that you need these supplies for her, maybe someone will find them either for sale or donated somewhere. I’ll definitely keep you in my prayers. 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks friend!
Cute picture of her. 💖🙏
Praying for your beloved and the family. I cannot believe wheelchairs are not covered under health insurance as a medically necessary item if prescribed by physician. I am praying for divine intervention on your behalf.
Thanks, Tangie!
The insurance companies only account for care inside the house in a lot of cases.
Fortunately, and by the grace of God,
I have a few people willing to give me a wheelchair. One of them is brand new!
Awesome, God is an Awesome Provider.
All the best for 2022. Hope you wife continues her fabulous progress.
Likewise Friend! 🤠🔥🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
I wish you all the best to you Benjamin and your beloved. She is strong and motivated and love can remove the highest mountains. 🙏🏻❤
Thank you friend! I appreciate your words of encouragement!🤠🔥🌶
Do you have a “go fund me”? I can only imagine the costs
Not at the moment. I will not attempt to fundraise unless I totally need to. 🤠🔥
Ok – well I’m sure everyone will jump to help if you need that!! ❤️
It would be appreciated. I know this could go on for a long time, so I want to be careful in asking. You are amazing!
That’s a good point, but I will tell you – I had my own earth angels through my own journey.
I almost died a couple times so if was not for these angel people I would not be where am today ❤️
It was not my time – but I never forget the humanity I got from people ❤️
I also got to see how much I meant to people and I did not die ❤️
If you need – please reach out!! People understand when someone needs help. No matter how much help you need!
You keep her smiling ❤️ you are amazing also!! She has a beautiful smile 😊
Thank you for the wise counsel, friend.🤠
Wishing best for you and your fam – take care and stay safe ❤️🙏
Oh dear. You gotta read my last post!
No information or advice, but that is ridiculous that wheelchairs may not be covered by insurance. Ugh, insurance is such a scam. I hope there are other church/community resources able to help. Best wishes for healing.
Thanks. I have one that is brand new and her size being donated by a friend.
They’re even worse about oxygen machines. By a LOT.
I don’t know how it went through. Sorry about that.
All is well, Marla!
I bet it is hard to hold them accountable.