Update on Isabel, My Beloved

Hello! Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

If Winter decides to stay mild and snowless, I vote that we fast forward into times when the days are longer so my ducks can start laying again.

I have been purchasing eggs from the grocery store and it is a sad state of affairs. While I have to clean my eggs a bit before cracking into the pan, my duck eggs are not only richer in taste, but they are much larger in size. I require a large number of chicken eggs for sure… Just look at the difference!

Speaking of large numbers, I went out and picked up a puzzle for my Beloved. She likes puzzles on occasion. This is a critical time where her mind needs to stay sharp. She can run laps around me when it comes to thinking, but oh well.

On the topic of laps,

We also went on another walk around the track. If I am not mistaken, her last lap took 37 minutes to walk a quarter mile and this time, she did it in 22 minutes and 45 seconds!

To top off this accomplishment, she walked from the car to the track through thick dried grass and patches of snow!

Well, that is all the news fit to print at the moment! Have a beautiful day!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

67 thoughts on “Update on Isabel, My Beloved

  1. elvira797mx says:

    Beautiful puzzle! Hope get well soon!
    Blessings for both!
    Take care.

  2. Cassa Bassa says:

    Beautiful jigsaw! Bella has outdone her last record, keep it going. Not that breaking record is what I am excited about, I am excited to see her pace is faster so her muscles are regaining strength. 🦵

  3. leendadll says:

    I miss getting duck eggs… even the commercial ones are better than chicken eggs.

    Yay for beloved!!

  4. Giada says:

    Prayers for your beloved and for you! 🙏🏿❤️

  5. tamburelli’sThankfulnessandlove says:

    Yay, I agree with you big brother, it’s time for those ducks to start laying again…better size and taste as well as saves money!! That puzzle is beautiful ! She will love that and what a great idea ! I am so proud of Izzy !! She has come such a long ways , what a huge accomplishment!! Whoot whoot!! 🎆🎇

  6. Giusy says:

    best wishes for this strong woman!! 🙂

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! Is that authentic Italian cooking I smell all the way over here?

        1. Benjamin says:

          Ha ha! Well, It came through the Internet and into my nostrils!

  7. cheriewhite says:

    Isabel is definitely winning the race, Ben! I’m so proud of her and the progress she’s made in such a short time. And I’m proud of you for being her encourager. ❤️

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Cherie White! You are such a refreshing breath of fresh air! 🤠🔥☕

    1. Benjamin says:

      She is doing great for sure! I appreciate you, friend! 🤠🔥☕

  8. chr1 says:

    Thanks for sharing! Small steps add up to big steps, and before you know it, you’re someplace new.

  9. Zelda Winter says:

    I’m adding her to my prayer list. And Hurray for jigsaw puzzles–they’re addictive in a beneficial way!

  10. Bulbul says:

    health and happiness to both of you, Ben and puzzles are darlings.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Friend! We appreciate you! I look forward to hearing your words at Brothers Campfire soon! 🤠🔥☕

    1. Benjamin says:

      I will pass your well wishes on to her Michael Stephen Wills! 🤠🔥☕

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