The Ongoing Tale at Brother’s Campfire Volume 2, Chapter 7 Walter Berengar

Hello! Benjamin From Brothers Campfire here. Gather ’round and I will spin you a tale…

I had taken to going to church when the Preacher man was about. I would say it was for the kind man that preached about everything, but that was only part way the truth. You see, there was this girl I was in love with, Ellie Mae. She was fair-haired and blue-eyed and she was always smiling at me. 

Despite what the other boys were doing, Dad told me two things; Wait a while and make my mark on the land before courting and marrying outside of town so as not to get hitched to family by accident. 

Well, I was sitting with my cousins Jabez and Jacob in church when they introduced me to Melonie.

It didn’t take much listening to find out Jabez was sweet on Melonie. Jabez, quite a bit older, was allowed to go courting and got permission to see her. 

And so it was, my parents, Uncle Walter, Aunt Betty, and Melonie’s family got together after church and had weekly picnics so everyone could get acquainted. 

Melonie was pretty and she always brought me something nice, be it dried fruit, a piece of honeycomb, or a carved toy from Northwich. She was perceptive. Lacking in wisdom at times, but perceptive. 

On a particular Sunday, we were doing our weekly routine when she and Jabez approached me. 

“Why Walter Berengar, you’re sweet on Ellie Mae. I see it in your innocent little eyes. “

I blushed but didn’t deny it. 

“Can you pass a note on to her for me? That will give you a chance to say hello.”

I agreed, taking the journey of danger and excitement about ten steps before I became bashful. 

“You are a rotten otter if you don’t,” said Jabez.

I wasn’t about to be a rotten otter so I ran full speed up to Ellie Mae, and handed her the note.  I’m not even sure I got a look up close, I did it so quickly. 

I liked Jabez and Melonie, they looked after me and I hoped they would marry. They had my best interests in mind. 

Or so I thought. 

When I got home that day, my dad called me to task with a letter in his hand. He seemed angry. 


“Yes sir?”


I relaxed because I knew. 

“Oh, that is a note from Melonie to Ellie Mae. Melonie asked me to deliver it.”

Methodically, my dad opened the letter and read slowly;

I love your smile, and your even, pearly teeth. 

This fine day to you, fair maid, does my heart bequeath. 

Walter B. 

“Dad! I can’t write poetry, I didn’t know that was in there!”

Well, dad wasn’t believing and this fool got stripes on his back for that blunder. 

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

13 thoughts on “The Ongoing Tale at Brother’s Campfire Volume 2, Chapter 7 Walter Berengar

  1. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    Very interesting story 🌹👌✍️ so strict fathers means , very tension for children ,
    So they hide so many things from Dad 🤔 grace wishes ❤️ happy Valentines 🌹

      1. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

        My Dad so loved all children and gave freedom , never scold 😋
        My husband was strictly with children, and see their studies as well !!
        So that my children achieved in life successfully 🌹👌❤️ The ongoing
        Tale so interested 🙂 thank you 👏

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