Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

In August 2018, I began writing about the Bard, Beast, and Brother in a fictional land called La Longi.
I had never written anything fictional before and wrote about all kinds of things in the Ongoing Tale. I did not have a direction other than basing it loosely of some real life scenarios that were unfolding around me in no particular order.
This, thus far is the final chapter of the Ongoing tale as we know it.
I do not feel any sorrow at leaving the story as I wrote it way past the expiration date and I feel it outlived its manifold purposes.
Thank you for joining me on the epic tale, and I look forward to taking you with me on my new literary adventures.
Meanwhile, I will give life updates as before as I prepare for a new tale to spin.

Will you be accompanyinge on a new adventure?
Way nifty.
Do you have a website? The link to your Gravatar seems broken.
I have enjoyed reading your stories and look forward to more of your writing in the future. God bless!
Thank you!
Best wishes on your new literary adventures.
Thanks. Growing as I go, Michele.🤠🔥
Ben how do you pronounce your last name ? Don’t want to do it Injustice on the podcadt
Like the color. What is your favourite color? Teal!
I would admire to listen. Would love a link when you are done!
Yeah man no problem it will be broadcast next Saturday..I’ll post a link on my blog
Way cool. I look forward!
I plan to do your 250 part story once a month
Way cool. I look forward to listening!
You sound great!🤠🔥
Thanks brother
Is this through aprolificpotpouri.art ?
Cool. I will keep my eyes and ears tuned in!
I think I will just stick to giving you credit in the written word, maybe future episodes I will add your name spoken now that I know how to pronounce it
Do your thing. I not worried. Do you have any podcasts I can listen to now?
yeah there are a few episodes up so far https://anchor.fm/matt-david-snyder
Way Cool! Thank you!
No problem
I will be waiting to see what new thing cometh.
At 1201 am tomorrow!
It was a good one!
Thank You ! 🤠🔥
Yes, it was a very good story!
And nice cup!
Indeed! My Beloved bought it for me!🤠🔥
Nice, she’s amazing and a blessing!
And what a tale it was… with many, many interesting people along the way! 😁
Can’t wait for the next adventure!! 👍🖤
Thanks! 🤠🔥 I appreciate your assistance along the way!!!
All you my friend, all you 👍🖤🖤
Interesting Narrative Benjamin