Good morning everyone! Steve, from Steve’s Country here, I hope you all remember me, it has been a long time since I was here last. It is so nice of Benjamin to allow me to be a part of the campfire friends! So, please join me at my favorite bench here and we can look across the river while I tell you a true story of something that happened to me one day.

And I will add right away, that this is a rather normal thing with me, I get a lot of these odd kind of days. This one happened one summer day when I decided to take a drive out of town early in the morning to see what kind of birds I could find. I enjoy doing things like that. So I was up at 4 am and off I went, but that’s a story in itself so we’ll leave that for now. But when I returned it was now 7 am and I was getting hungry and ready for a nice country breakfast.

Now there was this little country restaurant outside of town that always seemed to have vehicles parked out front so I figured they must have good food at this place. But I had never been there before now so I decided to try it out. There was two vehicles parked out front already so I knew I wouldn’t be the only one in the restaurant this time. I had problems one other time at a restaurant, but we’ll leave that one too for now.I park and go in but there is no one inside. I walk to a table and sit down. It was a nice looking, though small, restaurant. A head peaked out the kitchen door. Then a guy comes out wearing a very dirty apron and says, you want somethin? No, I just came in to rest my feet. I didn’t actually say that, but almost did.

I’ll have a coffee and the breakfast special, I said. Okay, he said and disappeared into the kitchen. He came back with the coffee pot and a cup. He stared inside the cup. Then blew into it. I should have left at that point, but hey, I wanted breakfast. He poked his finger into the cup, I better get a different cup, he said, this one is dirty. At least he recognized that. He left the coffee pot on the table and left. I waited. And waited. Was I supposed to drink right out of the coffee pot? Finally he comes back with another cup. This one is clean, he said. It took him that long to find a clean cup? We also don’t have the breakfast special today, he added. Okay, I will have bacon and eggs and toast, I said. Okay, and he left. He comes back. What kind of bread do you want. I figured I better make this easy for the guy and just asked for white bread. He left. Comes back a short time later and says they don’t have any white bread. How about rye? He goes. He comes back and says they don’t have any rye bread either.

What do you have? Actually, he says, we don’t have any bread. Now why didn’t he tell me this right away? I’ll still have the bacon and eggs, with hash browns. Okay, and off he went. I really should have left, but it was getting interesting. He comes back. We don’t have any bacon, would sausages be okay? Fine, I said and off he goes. He returns a short time later. I still don’t smell anything cooking. We don’t have any sausages, he says. Now why did he ask if sausages would be okay if they don’t have them? Do you have eggs and hash browns, I ask? He leaves.

I should have left too, but by this time I just had to wait and see what would happen next. He comes back. Actually, he says, we don’t have any food. We will be going shopping this morning. I just stared, could this really be happening? Want more coffee, he asks? No thanks I said, I paid for my coffee and left. Once in my car I burst out laughing! Things like this could only happen to me. Well, I sure hope you enjoyed my little adventure in not eating breakfast. And you are all welcome to come over to Steve’s Country and enjoy more of the strange happenings with me. Just click on my name, stop by and say hi! Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day and God bless!
Steve and Muffin (my cat). ©2021 Steve McLeod.
Lololol 😂
So glad you could get some chuckles from my story Cookingflip! Have a great day!😀😺🌞
And you as well, Steve. God bless. 😺🌷🌿🍀
Thank you Cookingflip! God bless!🙂😸
Hi Steve! Thanks so much for the funny story 😂 and the beautiful pictures. Have a wonderful day! 😁🌞
Glad to hear you enjoyed it all Beverly! Not many dull moments around Steve’s Country!😂😹 Have a great evening!😁🌙
I agree, Steve! 😂. Dull moments do not appear to be linked with Steve’s Country! 😂. Thanks, have a great evening as well! 😄🌙
Haha sounds like the story of my life. Fun stuff
So glad to hear you enjoyed it Amber! Have a nice evening.😀😺🌙
Sounds like that restaurant needs a new manager or a new business plan or both. Any time you have to play 20 questions to get fed is a bad day. Stay well Steve. Allan
Actually they went out of business the following year. It was a young couple that thought it would be fun, but found out it was harder than they thought. Made for an interesting morning though! Thanks Allan!
This is great. I love going to little out of the way diners but I’ve never found one that has no food.
Keep laughing, It don’t cost nothing
I talked with someone who knew these people, they told me they never wanted to close, even when they had no food, because they didn’t want to turn people away, they might not come back. But I’m not sure how having no food will attract more people!😂😹
The logic astounds me
Me too.🙄
What a strange ordeal. I would not have had the patience you did but I have been to places that just made you scratch your head. I never went to one that had no food at all, though.
Apparently this happened quite frequently with them, but they never wanted to close because they thought they would lose customers. However, I’m not sure how having no food will attract customers. They went out of business the following year.
That was interesting, a restaurant without food. Never thought that this could even be possible?!?! 😲🙃
I agree. They didn’t know anything about running a restaurant, but they didn’t want to close when they ran out of food because it might scare people away. But how does having no food attract customers?🤔😳🙄 Thanks so much for reading!😃
I will read later – I have to be off to work… you guys have a HUGE storm coming – are you ready? You gonna be ok? I’m sure you will but be careful – I hear your stores are bare – so say if you need anything ✌️
Hi Omatra7! You must be thinking of Benjamin’s area, they are getting a big storm. Up here in the north there’s no storms in the forecast, at least not yet, though that can change. Have a great day!😃😸🌞
Haha yes I was thinking that. We have some rain coming but I wouldn’t even call it a storm 🙄
But saw that area was do for pretty big storm – I have not seen yet.
Thank you – have a great day too!! 😊✌️
They are supposed to get a big one,😳 sometimes snowstorms from that area make it all the way up here too, hopefully not this time though, we have enough already.😂 Thanks!
Lol… you do not love a good snow in? Sometimes those are fun … plus if anyone could survive it would be them 😊
Hopefully does not go the same way as Texas did 😮😮😮
We only get rain usually where I am. Hail maybe. If snows – it is a flukey thing
Can’t say that I’m a fan of getting snowed in,😂 doesn’t really happen much up this way, we don’t normally get more than 8 or 10 inches at a time, not enough to snow us in anyway.😀 And this time of year I prefer to see the snow melting,🙄 though it seldom does this early, however this year seems to be one of those odd early springs!😁 So nice.🌞 Usually the snow isn’t gone until the end of April,😬 so this is very early.
Only rain, oh my, how nice, my kind of winter weather!😂😹 But for us temps of -30 or -40 are what to expect,😲 plus lots of snow.😳🙀
I have become “soft” by living in California lol …
My family is from Massachusetts – I also have family in Maine – I remember those winters 😝
I can not handle that severe cold anymore. 😮 or their summer humidity!
Now that I’ve been in California for awhile – Californication occurred lol
I can no longer handle those extremes
Although California summer time heat can be brutal – last year we literally we on fire 🤨
Lol but California is beautiful without the fires lol
Yes, that is one big problem here, we can hit -50 in winter and 95 in summer,🌞😺 quite the change. Actually our coldest recorded temp here was -80F and that was just amazingly cold,🥶 hard to describe it. But summers are so beautiful, without forest fires which some years can be bad here too. But we don’t have a lot of people here in the north so our big fires don’t get much attention in the news. I would love to see those big trees (redwoods) you have down there!😃
These days I would prefer a warmer place to live, but there isn’t really much choice for something like that here in Canada.🙄
Have a wonderful day Omatra!😃😸🌞
Omg 80 below 😮😵 … and I though Maine was brutal!
I think some of our smoke from 2020 summer fires made it up to some areas of Canada 😮
The entire state of California was like on fire!!
I love California’s weather but those summer temps are getting to me more and more as I age … when it goes to 115F … then I want to come to Canada lol 😄😄✌️
But only the end of summer is really bad – otherwise the rest of the year is amazing ❤️
We have earthquakes out here but I am in an area that is cushioned by the Sierra Nevada’s … so we don’t even feel them.
My first earthquake was a 4.1 and that was pretty strong to me lol it shook everything!!! And then there was silence 😮 it was weird! That was my first experience
Was not scary because I had no idea what was happening – was not thinking would be earthquake!! 😮 that was in Lake Tahoe in 2005!
Every time I drive over the Golden Gate or Bay Bridge, I think to myself – please no earthquake, please no earthquake lol
Luckily I don’t go to shaky town often lol ✌️ but I think that when I do lol
Same thing with LA lol
Thank you very much! Hope you had a wonderful day also
Hope spring has found you up there ✌️
Yep, -80 wasn’t easy, and we had it 4 days in a row, they warned people not to go out, but people did anyway. A friend and I went for a walk one of those days, we had to bring medicine to his parents who lived on an island. I didn’t think we would make it!🥶🙀
Amazingly we have had small earthquakes here, odd considering this is all granite country. But they are only 2 to 3 so nothing serious.😀
I think the kind of earthquakes you get would make me nervous!😳🙀
Yes, the smoke from your fires did make it into our western provinces, didn’t come this far though.
Forest fires is our main worry, we get a lot of them, most are small, less than 10,000 acres, but some years they get up to 100,000 to 500,000 acres.😬🙀
Well, it’s very early spring, so not very warm yet, but the forecast for the weekend is looking good!😁😸
Have a great day Omatra7!😃😺🌞
I remember the Maine winters 😮 I remember my nose always running … and my eyes practically freezing lol 🥶 I hated Maine winters because of that / their cold goes right into your bones!!! So totally understand that 😮 … slightly… not to the degree of -80 😮😮
Lol people never listen / or read signs lol ✌️😄
So far knock on wood – I haven’t been in a serious earthquake – nor do I want to be lol … 4.1 is just fine
Sacramento and surrounding is somewhat cushioned by mountains so it’s not usually anything you feel. Unless is some big one – but I have not experienced huge thankfully!! But it does make me nervous!
I don’t like that you can’t predict them!!!
I have not checked my forecast for this weekend … hang on … weekend looks nice – possible rain tmrw – not bad … we are half having the winter which is rain 🤨😄… and half having spring which is amazing 🙌
Have a great day also ☀️
Enjoy your weekend ✌️
Yes indeed, when it gets cold it goes right through to the bones! I’m sure I could handle things just a bit warmer though.
Sacramento, that’s in the northern part of the state I believe.
I think earthquakes would make me nervous, that’s worse than cold. I think. It’s cooler today with a strong north wind, but it’s still melting so that’s okay.
There’s open water showing up on the lake so that’s a good sign of spring.
Yes, people don’t read signs. We have a dangerous river here with strong currents, but it always looks so calm and nice. There are large signs, 4 ft by 8 ft, red and white with black lettering warning people about the currents so no swimming allowed. Last year 3 young men went swimming, right next to a sign and two of them were pulled under within a couple minutes and drowned, the third managed to make it back to shore as he was closer. They figured they were strong swimmers so they could get away with it. People drown in this river every year. But right beside a sign. T
Yes Sacramento is considered “Northern California” … it is the state Capitol … I work there – but I live in Sierra Nevada foothills area. Takes me about an hour to get to work. 🙄
Today was overcastly sunny. Cold. Looked like rain but no.
It is supposed to be rainy tmrw (Thursday)
I just remember that case from Florida with the little boy at Disney (and the alligators 🐊)
Big giant sign – he was 2… and I don’t know who was watching him – but alligator came and grabbed him and done.. also right next to giant sign 🪧
I also work at a funeral home with signs all over about things and no one ever pays attention to my signs 🤨🙄 … I had to get bigger brighter signs 🪧 … and still sometimes no 🤨
How about that, didn’t know Sacramento was the capitol of California. I figured it was San Francisco, don’t know why I thought that.🙄
Hmm, overcastly sunny, I’m still trying to visualize that one.😳 But then I have a hard time differentiating between cloudy and overcast. 😂 That will be in our forecast, one day it will be cloudy, the next day they say overcast.🙄 To my untrained eye they both look the same. But that’s just me.😂😹
Hmm, that seems like a lot of driving to get to work, that’s 2 hours a day! But then I imagine it’s probably a nice place to live so it’s worth the drive.😃
And after moving clear across the country, what’s an hour anyway. I must say, that is a long move, just can’t imagine that one either.😳🤔
Oh, thank you so much for the follow!😁😺 I will run over and check out your blog too. Might take a bit, it’s a long run from here!🏃♂️huff🏃♂️huff🏃♂️huff🏃♂️huff🏃♂️
Hahaha nope Not San Fran
Because people only usually only think of San Francisco and LA 🤨😄😘✌️ that’s kinda true though
Well there was a tease of sun, just slightly… but angry clouds hiding the beautiful bright blue and obstructing sun ever so slightly …
“Overcastly Sunny” 🙌😄✌️
Hahaha you are funny …They are basically the same “overcast and/or cloudy”
Hmm well the place I work is worth the drive. I have amazing staff. ❤️ It’s pretty much the people I work with.
Lol thank you 😊
I will have to remember that overcastly sunny, it’s great. People might think I have been inside too long, but that’s okay.🙄
I know, overcast and cloudy are the same, so why do these weather people use both?🤔 Makes no sense to me. But I’m just a no sense kind of guy I guess.😛
Hmm and I thought it must be the place you live that was worth the drive.🤔
Spring has arrived and we enjoyed our first spring rain today, so nice.😃 Now it’s going to get cooler again.😕 That’s going to be hard after the amazing weather the last few days.🌞😎 Oh well, it will be back.😁
Speaking of “it will be back”, it is that time for “it” to be back.😳 Hmm, must write about that this week.🤔 “It Comes Back”, good title.
Have a great week Omatra7!😁😸🌞
Something happened to my comment, left before I sent it. Sigh. Anyway, the one who survived claimed they never saw the sign. Amazing.
Have a wonderful week Omatra7!😀😺🌞
People don’t pay attention much. 😮
Have a wonderful week yourself ✌️😊
Thanks Omatra!
No breakfast! That is harsh! I hope you found something?
That’s for sure! Yes, I went to a restaurant in town instead, so much for a country breakfast! Thanks for reading!😀😺
I always enjoy reading your adventures! What did you end up getting? I have horrible food allergies, so rarely eat out. I live vicariously!
Thank you! I just went with bacon and eggs, but that’s the subject of another story I think! It wasn’t very good and I never did go back there again. I know what you mean, I now have various food allergies too so don’t eat out anymore, but this story is from a couple years ago when they were still trying to figure out my eating problems.
I ended up being diagnosed with celiac disease, which just grew to this huge issue. Im sorry you are dealing with food allergies and issues, it is miserable. Food should be fun, not dangerous! I have tofu and pumpkin for supper tonight, made in my forbidden ricecooker….
Yep, that was the same with me, Celiac disease. Plus lactose intolerance. Can’t have any spices beyond salt and a little pepper. Most fruit is off the list as well. Lots of fun.
That is shocking! I dont often meet other celiacs…Yup…lactose intolerance, cant manage spices, can’t eat oats. I won’t bore you…but it is not much fun at all. I can eat the lovely bread from the Mariposa Bakery on the Bay in SF, Canyon Bakehouse also doesn’t make me unwell. I have to watch my fiber, but thankfully fruit is ok. I found strawberries not grown on straw, which was wonderful!
Oddly I found that I could eat bread when I was over in France and it didn’t bother me at all. I see you live in the land of warmth! Greetings from the land of cold and snow! Wow, that’s amazing about the strawberries. We have lots of wild blueberries around here so I can stock up for the winter.
Yes, the land of warmth, though you would not know it today, it was a chilly 58 degrees with a light wind. I joke…I spent a winter or two in Minnesota, and I feel for you! If I go near bread or gluteny stuff of any kind I get so sick, I got the nasty celiac rash, so its unbearable to get glutened. In my years out travelling around the US in my camper we got wild berries all the time, nowadays if it aint in Trader Joes, it’s not happening. I love the city, but really miss looking out onto wilderness.
Yep, I know it, doesn’t take much either to make me sick. People have a hard time believing me when I tell them that. “Oh you can do it once, it won’t hurt”. Um, yeah, it does hurt and makes me sick for 3 days. Oddly I don’t get a rash, but it does hurt my immune system. Well, gotta go, nice chatting with you!😁
You too, Steve! Have a good evening! I think all people hear is “blah blah hipster diet”, and so don’t take it seriously. Stay well!
Have a great weekend!
There are similar species of duck with white cheeks and woodpecker with red crown in Japan. There is a feeling of intimacy.
Wow, that is interesting! I would never have thought that. Have a wonderful weekend!
Your writing makes smiley ☺
Thank you very much!😁😺
Woooww😂😂😂this is hilarious
Tell me about it… a restaurant without food.
I heard from someone that this restaurant would run out of food but they didn’t want to close on those days because it might scare away customers. How does having no food attract customers!!😂😂😹😹
😁😁😁😁I can imagine
Ahhh beautiful. Always nice to have coffee with you Steve. I just don’t do it enough. 😊
Hi Kim, nice to see you here! It’s always nice to have you join me for coffee. I need to run over to your blog too!😀😺🌞🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️
Thank you. And no worries whenever you get a chance. You’re always welcome there.😊
Wow! No food! Sounds like either somebody don’t know the first thing about running a business or they don’t give a crap. And when the guy asked you if you wanted something- baha! bahahaha! Love this story, Steve. I’m still laughing! LOL
Steve, a very interesting narrative,
Thank you so much! Have a great day!😀😺🌞
This is amusing indeed! A restaurant with no food. Only in the country can this happen, and only the adventurous can leave and laugh!
I have had these moments and they are truly fun stories to share. <3
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed this little adventure! Have a wonderful day!😀😺🌞
This is so painful and funny! I think too much optimism has its disadvantages. I’m surprised you got some coffee. Enjoyed reading your not so enjoyable experience 🙂
Thank you so much Terveen! I’m glad you enjoyed this, my first and only time being in a restaurant that had no food! Hard to believe why they didn’t just close and go shopping! Have a great day!😀😺🌞
My brother I hope you will see this msg. So I am not able to open your notification emails again. when I try to open it came up as a scam. what can be done? I am able to type here only because you liked my post and It allowed me to open yours at that point. Not sure what is going on. see if you can re add me to your mailing list on. God bless.
I think what you need to do is follow my blog again. This problem has happened to several others lately. Just click on my name in this post and it will bring you to my blog and you can follow me again. That should solve the problem. Thank you!
That was the funniest story I ever had, but your better than me cause I would have left when he put his finger in my cup. I’m a country cowgirl and if that was in my country, you would have left with leftovers for tomorrow😂 This really brighten my night🤠Thanks for sharing Mr Steve💙
I’m so glad you enjoyed this true story! It’s amazing the things that happen to me, so I like to stick around and see what happens!😂☕😹
Love your enthusiasm💙🤠