Brothers Campfire The 13,300 Astronomical Coffee Lights Church Party


Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Earlier in the week, I was looking for bulk coffee distributors and I have not been successful. I think it would make a great gift to hand out coffee with my label on it, but so far, not happening at the price I would like to gift or resell it at. In most cases, I can get a specialty coffee at the store cheaper than most beans. A pound of unroasted beans is around 8.5 USD per pound. Roasted bulk is astronomical. We will see.

Moving along,

It has been a long week. I have been reading my Bible, praying, and singing along to church music on my way to work. This has proved beneficial.

December 14th, 2020 I began dieting, and I am steadily losing weight by counting calories. I found if you split your calories into weeks instead of days there is a lot of wiggle room if you save up for something tasty.

For instance, 1900 calories is 13,300 calories a week. If I am a little frugal with my meals Monday to Saturday, I can cheat a lot on Sunday when I am home to eat my Beloved’s cooking.

I am off to a great start for the weekend. I came home to find that my Beloved and the Twelve Year Veteran of life had gone to a friends house.

My daughter decided to wait for me and we decided to go for a drive.

We stopped off at the store and purchased grape juice. She was in the mood for some and it was not a hard thing for the pocketbook.

We hopped back in the car.

My daughter, who is pretty smart, knew the folly of driving around at night. There is nothing to see. She longed for Christmas lights.

We were not disappointed and found a house that celebrates the birth of Jesus throughout the year.

It was Saturday night and we were of the inclination to party. Excited by the excellence in decoration we went off to the Dollar General. We were not disappointed or disappointing. What we do, we do effectively and whole heartedly.

Fortunately, we were able to leave by finding the door without assistance.

To be responsible, I designated myself to the driving.

What will the weekend bring? I am not sure. I do know I will be early to church. You can listen here if you wish.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

20 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire The 13,300 Astronomical Coffee Lights Church Party

  1. ashok says:

    Interesting 🤨
    You may like to read an old post of mine Benjamin- I am a Happy Fruitarian 😊

          1. ashok says:

            We take almonds and walnuts with salad everyday 😊 and some seeds too 😊

  2. ashok says:

    My book is now available- do check out my today’s post 😊

  3. kagould17 says:

    Great idea to be impetuous in the moment. Good father daughter memories that will last. Stay well. Allan

  4. achme24gmailcom says:

    Church and dieting sounds Pentecostal but yet not…

  5. Petra says:

    Love the hats of course! As far as I know you’re right in counting calories per week, it’s as relevant as per day since the long term sum matters. I do the same. Good job on your discipline!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for the kind words! Calories per week is the method. I ate 6 pieces of pizza yesterday and I am still losing.

      1. Petra says:

        It’s really the numbers that matter. You could lose weight with McDonald’s, but it wouldn’t be very healthy

        1. Benjamin says:

          I had such bad indigestion yesterday! I get the healthy bit. For sure!

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