Thattamma C. G Menon

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

It snowed last night and it continues to as I write, but the ducks still need to be fed and watered.

Willow Manor In The Winter

The duck farthest back in the photo above is the one that got attacked by a dog earlier this year. A husky tried to pull her through the fence and dislocated her leg. We pushed the leg back in her socket and gave her months of therapy and she is hard to discern from her sisters most of the time.

You can read about it here.

We patch up a broken duck at Willow Manor

Some of my readers, particularly those from India like to see a little snow. I recorded while I watered them.

Willow Manor Ducks Are Spoiled Rotten

I know I am bouncing subjects, but one wonders at times of God puts little things like duck physical therapy in our lives for a reason.

I cannot begin to understand all the people God puts in our path, so it stands to reason that God puts orchestrates a fair bit.

One notable person God put in my path is Mrs. Thattamma C. G Menon from . She is Chicken Soup For The Soul.

Throughout the month of December, Thattamma has encouraged me like a mother. She is so sweet that I am mush every morning when she leaves me a comment.

I appreciate you, Thattamma.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

118 thoughts on “Thattamma C. G Menon

      1. alisendopf says:

        I feel a bit bad saying this after seeing yours, but we had roast duck for our Christmas dinner. It was truly delicious.

        1. Benjamin says:

          No need. I am an urban farmer. I have dressed out just about everything, ducks included.

  1. Jeff says:

    Happy New Year, brother! I wish you peace and blessing. Also, I will follow Thattamma’s blog. I like what I see there, so far.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Jeff, You are all that and a cylinder of Pringles as well. Thank you for your generous encouragement and offer of a wheelchair if I remember correctly. I appreciate you sir! 🤠🔥

    1. Benjamin says:

      As is yours, Linda. You have a calm assurance about you. I appreciate your kindness friend. 🤠🔥☺☺🤗

  2. momof3gents says:

    Such cute ducks! My mom had a stroke a year ago and has come so far since. Stay vigilant and positive. How sweet that Thattamama has been so supportive!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for the update on your mother! It gives hope to others!
      You have been quite supportive as well! Thank you! 🤠🔥

      1. Adelheid says:

        hahaha! Well, I think she’s from Malaysia. I’m from another part of Southeast Asia. 😊

        1. Benjamin says:

          Oh. Well, she is a sweetheart!
          Does your website work? I was unable to connect to it.

          1. Adelheid says:

            It does. I’m sorry, not sure why you can’t connect to it.

  3. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    So nice post and no words me to express my feelings 😊🙏♥️ my English also not
    Hifi English , your lovely wife’s sickness is making you so sad and all the posts I can
    feel your restless heart so touching 🙏🌷♥️You want to be cheerful and confident,
    so my son’s place saw you in my heart and your post’s comment I’m writing dear
    friend 💕🙏🌷 wishing your life success and happiness with your loving family 💕🙏🎉

  4. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    Your ducks are so cute and 1 duck is pity, lucky you save it 👌🌷🙏♥️
    So awesome scene watering the ice and allow to swim them , so lovely 👍🏻😊
    First time seeing 👌😍God gave them to walk on ice ,winter time ❄️🙏🌷🙏

    1. Benjamin says:

      I had to chase two out of the shed today. They wanted to stay in bed because of the cold. They will get thirsty and die if I leave them there.

      I like the snow though! ❄❄❄❄❄❄

  5. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    Prayers to your wife for good recovery , so she can hold her sweet baby 🌷👌♥️🙏
    Positive energy advice will need to be strong 👍🏻🥰Blessings and love to her 👏💕

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I helped her up a flight of stairs in therapy today!

  6. mattsnyder1970 says:

    Thattamma is what I love about blogging. Finding an international viewership not just for the blog but people that speak from the heart. Beautiful.

      1. BBYCGN says:

        I just followed you on Quora. But how did you get so many follows? C’mon, give it up. Inquiring minds wanna know.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Do you need follows on Quora? Shamelessly follow folks with few followers and make meaningful comments on highly followed Quorans.

          1. BBYCGN says:

            No, I don’t need ‘em. But makes it fun. But that’s pretty shameless! (LOL). 🥳

          2. BBYCGN says:

            Everyone is requesting my answer to their questions and I try to satisfy a few of them, but can’t get to all their lame… I mean in’eresting questions.

          3. BBYCGN says:

            I watched Judge Judy the other day. It gave me nightmares.

          4. BBYCGN says:

            I only watch TV when I am not feeling well. Otherwise I am doing a thousand things at one time.

          5. Benjamin says:

            I knew it! Bring a side dish, sodas, and some friends! 🤠🔥👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👪👨‍👨‍👧‍👦

          6. Benjamin says:

            Well, I will run to the dollar tree for graham crackers and Hershey bars! 🤠🔥👨‍👨‍👧‍👦👪👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🍖🍗🥩🥓🌯🌮🌭🥪🍟🍔🥖🥐

          7. BBYCGN says:

            Ohhhhh, yeah. That’s right. I almost forgot about that!

          8. BBYCGN says:

            Oh, I can’t forget the corn nuts. One of my favorite snacks!

          9. Benjamin says:

            I am a little low on them . I like to make them from white corn seco

          10. BBYCGN says:

            I like white popcorn better than yellow popcorn since it is crunchier. Yellow is fluffier.

          11. Benjamin says:

            Avoiding 🍿 means neither are needed as often. 🦷 🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷

          12. Benjamin says:

            I wrote one quality post and it took off. That helped a lot.

          13. BBYCGN says:

            Where do you put your posts (on your own profile site, or someone else’s)?

          14. BBYCGN says:

            I shouldn’t have deleted my Reddit site! Regret 😭

          15. Benjamin says:

            You can always make a new one, but they are a rowdy and hateful crowd. You need thick skin.

          16. BBYCGN says:

            I wish I had thicker skin. I usually can say the correct thing to get them off my back, but I am still sensitive. But only a handful of hateful comments bother me. The rest are just too lame to get upset about.

          17. Benjamin says:

            That makes sense. If you ever need humble pie, I believe Reddit is more than capable of dishing it out. 🥧

          18. BBYCGN says:

            I’ve had more than my fair share. I’m actually a shy person. Definitely an introvert.

          19. BBYCGN says:

            So many make hateful comments but these same comments, themselves, lack insight and awareness so it’s hard to take them personally. It’s almost as if some of these people are just trying to pick fights cuz they have too much time on their hands but they have no idea what they’re even talking about.

          20. Benjamin says:

            I think a lot of hecklers do not have content of their own. When you create content, you tend to respect the content of others. 🤠🔥

          1. BBYCGN says:

            I will take the secret to my grave (or at least hold it “till dinner time).

          1. BBYCGN says:

            Good, really. But, I hurt my neck. I don’t know how, though. Maybe putting together too many candy cane puzzles. 😖

          2. Benjamin says:

            You have to stretch prior to candy cane puzzling 🤠🔥😂😂

          3. BBYCGN says:

            Oh, yeaaah. Totally forgot! I’m still tending to my neck. Ouch.

          4. Benjamin says:

            That is amusing to me. It is like stretching before eating. 🤠🔥

          5. Benjamin says:

            Well, I will start stretching before stretching to be a good example!

          6. BBYCGN says:

            Hey, if I can help anyone else not get a strained neck, I’ve done my job.

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