Steve’s Country Dropping In To Say Hi!

Hey everyone! Benjamin was kind enough to invite me over to say hi and introduce myself a bit. I’m Steve from over at Steve’s Country.

I’m really just a country boy at heart though living in a small town in northern Canada. This area is what I call the land of cold and snow! That’s because for 6 or 7 months of the year that’s what we have. It can be brutal at times. This year our winter began Oct. 15, kind of in the normal range, but it hasn’t been too cold or snowy yet which is odd.

Even though I live right in town it is still a country like atmosphere. Our little town is located on a large lake which offers beauty year round. There are many animals that visit me here on my deck each day, from tiny chipmunks to foxes, wolves, deer and black bears, and everything in between. So I like to write about all these critters and my friendships with them. Plus the many different species of birds that drop in daily as well.

I am fortunate to have vacant land just across the street with a nice path through the forest and down to our river. That’s a great place to spend time and meet new wildlife. And, of course, take pics of all this beauty. I enjoy nature photography and like to share pics of our critters and area with everyone. Those pics are not only of the wildlife and scenery, but also wildflowers and plants of all kinds, plus as many insects as I can find that will stand still long enough to get a nice pic of them.

And I get into a bit of comedy as well sharing some fun times that my dad and I enjoyed years ago. And then there is my cat Muffin who features quite prominently on my blog, even doing some of the writing herself, dictated to me of course. Muffin and I also have a fictional PI series of stories with me as the star character. Meow, meow! What’s that Muffin? Oh, right, she is the star character, I’m second place.

MEOW,MEOW! What’s that? Oh, right, um, Mr. Cat is second, I’m third place now, I keep forgetting. As PI’s we travel around the world solving all kinds of mysterious cases together.
Well, I better not take up anymore of your time, but if you would like to meet all of us and join our little daily adventures, then please come check us out at Steve’s Country, we are always happy to meet new friends. Have a great day and God bless!

Steve and Muffin.

Author: stevescountry

41 thoughts on “Steve’s Country Dropping In To Say Hi!

  1. Herb says:

    Nice to meet you, Steve. I will have to come by and see what’s happening in your neck of the woods.

    1. stevescountry says:

      Hi Herb, we’re always happy to have more visitors here at Steve’s Country, so grab a cup of coffee, sit back and relax awhile!😀😺☕☕

  2. Ankur Mithal says:

    Canada is north enough for me. And then you say northern Canada 🙂
    Admire you for the courage and wisdom of living the country life.

    1. stevescountry says:

      Thank you so much Ankur, stop by anytime, grab a coffee and relax a bit! Have a great day!😀😺☕☕

    1. stevescountry says:

      Thank you ‘peanutbuttersandwiches’! Nice to meet you as well. Please stop by anytime, relax and enjoy a coffee (or tea!). Have a wonderful day!😀😺☕☕

  3. Benjamin says:

    Good to have you at the Campfire, Steve!
    Your cat reminds me of one I used to own named Sasha!

    1. stevescountry says:

      Thank you so much Benjamin, nice to be here! Poor Muffin was a rescued cat, abused by her original owner. She was wild at first but has turned into a beautiful loving cat! Have a great day!😀😺

      1. Benjamin says:

        What a nice story! Sasha was born to be wild and I gave her to a rancher. She was a real mouser and got fat on goat milk there!

          1. Benjamin says:

            The man left goat’s milk out for the chickens to drink and the cat was fat and lazy over there. I made a good call letting her go.

          2. Benjamin says:

            Yeah, so now I have ducks, geese, and an Australian Shepherd.

          3. stevescountry says:

            Yes, ducks that like ashes, probably some good vitamins in there for them. There is potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium, things the ducks might need in their diet. Australian Shepherds are nice.

          4. stevescountry says:

            That’s true! That is one thing I miss about living in the country, having campfires. Well, it’s definitely not the only thing I miss, but one thing anyway!

          5. Benjamin says:

            Ha ha! I live in a neighborhood, but I keep the fire going anyway!

          6. Benjamin says:

            🤠🔥well, you are a part of this one. Gather Round and we can spin tales!

          7. stevescountry says:

            Yep, thanks, always nice to sit around a campfire, enjoy a cup of coffee, and, “spin tales”!

      2. Benjamin says:

        You are a fine addition to the Campfire! We look forward to your next post!

    1. stevescountry says:

      Hi Jessica! Oops, sorry, but that one is Muffin, she’s my cat. Meow, meow!=Oops, I mean, I’m her human. Mr. Cat is her boyfriend.😁
      Meow, meow!=Hi Jessica!😸Have nice day!

  4. achme24gmailcom says:

    Wonderful. Such a blessed surprise. Meetings are fun

  5. Beverly says:

    Hi Steve! It is nice to meet you. I look forward to reading more in your blog. I have always wanted to visit Canada. My brother has visited numerous times to ski and I have seen pictures of the beautiful landscape.

    Have a blessed day!

    1. stevescountry says:

      Hi Beverly! Always nice to meet someone new! Depending on what part of Canada, summer is always the best time to visit. Hope you enjoy visiting with us! Have a wonderful week!😀😺🌞

      1. Beverly says:

        Hi Steve! I love your blog!🙌 I will be visiting it regularly! 😀😺. Thank you so much on the tip on Canada…a summer visit will be planned! 😁

        Have a wonderful week as well!😁

        1. stevescountry says:

          Thank you for the kind words Beverly! We look forward to seeing you here!😃😺

          1. Beverly says:

            You’re welcome, Steve! 😁😺

    1. stevescountry says:

      Hi D! So nice to meet you here at the Campfire too! Hope you’re having a great day!😀😸🌞

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