Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!
We do our best to stay productive here at Willow Manor despite the cold, or the Covid for that matter. This week included a drawing challenge and we used a tutorial to draw Sprinkletoast.

I thought it was really cute and if you want a tutorial, you can find it here. https://youtu.be/xXR6pn0qeJ4
I would like to add, I don’t know Sprinkletoast and I am sure he is a excellent little fella to hang out with.
We gave high fives all around for following the directions…. Except we didn’t. Read the cartoon bubble. It may have been on the tutorial, but I don’t quite remember.
It says, “Hi, what are you eating for Breakfast?”
Half of us became saddened. Indeed, in real life, we would have eaten Sprinkletoast. We imagine his smiling face becoming one of horror when we respond and say, “Sprinkletoast, it is you we are having for breakfast.”
All was in disarray as we looked at this happy little guy, and wondered if anyone else had considered consuming this carbohydrate laden delicacy as well.
This is when we found the story Arnie the Donut. It is a wonderful children’s story and it breaks down the relationship between us and our food.
I am not sure if the resolution to the problem is realistic, and I would admire your thoughts on this topic.
You are what you eat…just saying! 😁
Ha ha! I am leftover pizza this morning!
I had toast…lol!
Ha ha! Amazing! Typically, I have two eggs, toast, and a cup of coffee.
Thank you for a diverting sidetrack to my work day
The resolution of this story is slightly ridiculous but it works for children.
I think Arnie should have accepted his fate like a good little donut. 😮
Cute post, Benjamin! I don’t suppose there are any children’s books on green breakfast smoothies, huh? Too bad. Get ‘em started early (on healthy eating) is what I say! 🌞
Ha ha! We have enjoyed our share of greens here at Willow Manor!
Thank you Lisa!
I donut know what could be wrong with this story. Very nice. Not at all like that dreadful Gingerbread Man story.
Such a fretting fritter…
Food is awesome!
What if you had to talk to your toast?
I talk to my food…sometimes! 🙂 And I thank God for providing whatever it is I’m eating!
love his reading.. now i want a donut! ❤️🤣🤣🤣🤪
I would have never given Arnie a chance to voice an opinion.
Hahahahaha 🤣
Toast butter bread!
Toast and butter is good!!
Do you like French toast?
Yeah, when butter on it too delicious 🤤
Well, when you decide to visit Colorado, we know just what to make you!
Awesome. After this COVID
Toast is toast..fills my belly.
Mine too! Ha ha!
I will be making fresh bread tomorrow if you want to drop by!🤠🔥
Will be there.
How to say,
I was quietly going to listen to the excellent Chris O’Dowd when my daughter settled down next to me, turned on the TV and is now listening (loudly) to KPOP – hahaha -😂🤣🔥
Bravo for the drawing, the tutorial, and please I need silence !!!
If not, have you already tested “IT Crowd” with the excellent Chris O’Dowd ?
I love this actor whose talent is too underexploited for my taste but he will end up exploding on our screens!
Good day
Ah, my friend. You must be listening to Arnie the Donut when there is quiet!
I know not the man as I do not watch television, but I love his storytelling!
Very good not to watch TV…
Thank you!
I am hoping to have a post out in a few hours. I would admire if said actor were to read my Ongoing Tale!
I wish you with all my heart !!
That would be great!!
I’m crossing my fingers for you 😉
Ha ha! Thanks!
Hahaha.. very cute! Donuts are the friendliest!
Fried flour and sugar speak to me as well!
You are some cook. That is how you make donuts. Have a blessed Sunday!☕️☕️☕️
You too!
I’m fearing what’s coming next–do you talk to your ducks (or, do they quack back to you)?? What’s the plan??!!!! 🦆🦆🦆🍗
I eat the protein ovoids they produce. (Eggs) They are family, and I do not plan on eating them.
I do talk to my ducks, but I talk to the geese more. They act like they are listening.
I feel relieved, though of course they are yours so you can do anything you like with them, but as you’ve already said–they are family (we do not eat family, lol).
Oh yes, their brains develop when you always talk to them. They understand!
I am glad you are relieved. You can rest 😌 easy.
I like to talk to birds. It might be silly to some, but I don’t particularly care.
You can talk to them seriously and I find them sympathetic. I talk to plants too–but only to coax them to grow or flower; I don’t confide in them, lol. You have a blessed day today, bro 🍀
Plants are such gossips. Can’t tell them anything!
You have a blessed day as well, little sister.
Lol. Cheers ☀
This was such a bizarre story for me, but the drawing is cute.
It was bizzare. I found it rather amusing as well. At no time would I have given Arnie a chance to speak. 😋
Okay, I’m boring I had a healthy spinach omelet🤷🏽♀️
I like spinach!
It is really delicious lol
I grow a lot of spinach, chard, and kale.
That is wonderful! I love kale.
Thank you. I love it on pizza as well. Lol
I have put pickled ginger on my pizza before!
That sounds delicious. I will have to try it