Brothers Campfire Collaboration With Family; an unusual solution

Hello! Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire Here!

Sometimes, life’s little challenges are what make great memories. Take for instance my duck’s inability to have a morning bath.

What a setback this is.

Now someone will have to break the ice and manually bring buckets of fresh water to these parched pluckers.

With a collaboration of all here at Willow Manor, we were able to devise a method of watering the makers of protein ovoids while mostly staying inside.

This minute long clip will serve to demonstrate our makeshift ingenuity.

In other news,

While I have an amazing outdoor firepit and a whole story began around the idea, I have no proper fireplace inside.

I was delighted that my Beloved picked up a Woodwick Candle. They are really nifty in that they crackle as they burn, making a mini Campfire sound. Thanks, Beloved!

She also pulled out the stops with some Lime Cilantro Hoisin Sauce.

Now, I will be honest, I have no clue what a hoisin is but it was really good on the tilapia she prepared!

These kind little gestures are appreciated here at Willow Manor Urban Garden as things in a prison can be a little unfriendly.

Family is where it is at! I am so appreciative of all the fun things we do together and the memories we make.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

34 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Collaboration With Family; an unusual solution

  1. herbthiel says:

    Very clever way to water the ducks and stay warm. I never heard of Woodwick Candles.

    1. Benjamin says:

      They had a blast and had fresh, clean water! How is your Christmas season going?

      1. Paquerite says:

        Our Christmas season is rainy and full of socials disorders 😉 …

        1. Benjamin says:

          Ha ha! Social disorders indeed over here as well, but not my family and freinds. Enjoy the moisture, we need it here!

          1. Paquerite says:

            Ok, just for you and all the Colorado, I will enjoy the moisture !!!
            bonne journée

  2. achme24gmailcom says:

    Awesome sauce!!

  3. Bea says:

    Wonderful post, your writing style is the best.😂

    I also wanted to let you know that I nominated you for something again… It’s just The Small Joys Tag this time though, you don’t even have to answer any questions!
    Details in my latest Birdmas post!

    Happy Saturday!🤍

  4. leendadll says:

    What a brilliant invention!! You feathered friends look quite happy!

    1. Benjamin says:

      He ha! Thanks Bubbles! Bubbles, right? Or did I get confused?

      They are very happy with fresh water!

  5. David M. Green says:

    “The Makers of Protein Ovoids”

    I love this term it is a very creative description. I wish I’d thought of it first. Oh well i can’t be ahead of the curve every time! 😲🤔🤣

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