Spinach in Spanish

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

Today, Purple Rose, the Reluctant Preacher’s Daughter from https://reluctantpreachersdaughter.wordpress.com/ stopped by Brothers Campfire while I was driving.

It seemed she had some interest in Spanish at one time or another and so I explained in this video how if I had a gang, I would call it Spinach….. In Spanish

I had a few requests to cook by Cryptameria and Homemaking in the Dunes , and I plan to. Thank you for the suggestion!

Not all of my readers are WordPress Bloggers and I have a few fans that are embarrassed for me doing these live streams. My advice to you is to not watch them. I don’t want you to feel that way. Soon they will be unlisted and only available here, but I have fears I must face to round out my experiences. I do understand the rationale for your concerns though.

There are times where a public display of weakness is not.

I like the harsh, unedited live stream. It is chaos, an environment I thrive in. I have lived, breathed, lived with and worked in chaos and have many other things to be embarrassed about.

Well, as in my previous post, all work and no play has made me dull.

I hope to go out and do something blogworthy soon.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

24 thoughts on “Spinach in Spanish

  1. Purple Rose says:

    Benjamin, you are very cool. 😎

    I absolutely loved it! 💕 Buen trabajo. 👏🏻

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you….. Would you like to join my prison gang? 😉🤠🔥

    2. Benjamin says:

      Thanks for visiting this morning! You are a beautiful person for encouraging me!

      1. Purple Rose says:

        Aww 🥰 I’m glad I encourage you.

        I’m not usually awake at this time, but I’ve been really sick and wide awake most of the night/early mornings. I was scrolling YouTube looking for something to watch and there you were!

        You make me laugh Benjamin and it has been fun getting to join you on your drives. You are so entertaining. 😁

          1. Purple Rose says:

            Thank you. I am feeling a little better this morning.

            Thank you for the update on your wife. You have done a fantastic job through all of this. Being an advocate and all is not easy. I’m so proud of you.

            Love and prayers for you and your sweet wife. She’s a miracle. 🙏🏻💕

            God is so good.

          2. Benjamin says:

            Good to hear that you are doing better!
            Thank you for the compliments and the prayers!


    1. Benjamin says:

      I am glad we had some mirthfulness here at Brothers Campfire! 🤠🔥

  2. Geoff Stamper says:

    Keep being you and doing what you do. You are a breath of fresh air on this planet.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Geoff Stamper. And thank you for being here for the hard times as well. 🤠🔥☕

  3. elvira797mx says:

    Amazing post! You are doing a wonderful work, just like you are, with your great voice.
    Increase your Spanish! Thank’s Benjamin.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks Elvira! I appreciate your encouraging words! I am working on my Spanish! 🤠🔥

      1. elvira797mx says:

        You are welcome, Benjamin. I am glad, You can do it. Puedes hablar español muy bien! 😊

  4. Kim Smyth says:

    Espinaca! I love it! And I love spinach! So like Popeye, spinach represents muscle, so what a perfect gang name! Genial!

  5. Terveen Gill says:

    Haha! Hilarious. Spinach and garbage do sound tough and cool in Spanish. Going to try them out myself. In Hindi (a predominant Indian language) Spinach is “Saag” and garbage is “kooda”. Not as authoritative as Spanish. 🙂

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! I bet there are some authoritative Indian words! 🤠🔥😂

  6. herbthiel says:

    The people who don’t like you doing the live streams or the stories you write need to get over themselves.
    You should take up Spanish, though, for a few good reasons and a couple of frivolous ones.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! Most of the hate comes grom haters. I am not buying in.

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