Shave and a Death Threat , One Clip

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

I am going back to work after a week off.

Most of this time, I was ill, but now I am feeling better and able to clock in at the prison. Life can be that way.

I was mildly productive, but the most important thing is time was spent with my family.

In other news, I have been trying to be a local community resource. Like prison, if folks are unable to twist your arm to your will, they can become a little squirrely.

For instance, this user wanted me to adjust a birthday post about my daughter. She was persistent about it and wouldn’t go away. I told her to find something happy to do.

I may be a hypocrite. Not sure. I have never said I was a “nice guy.” I will be helpful, but I will also set clear boundaries and expectations.

In helpfulness, sometimes creepers come around. I was helping a young lady find local resources for some serious concerns and a man demanded that I give him her number. When I refused, he threatened to kill me.

I did online homework immediately and to his surprise found his personal information and private messaged it. He quickly apologized.

So, in mirthfulness, I made a spaghetti western style clip about it.

It is still being looked into, but it made me pretty angry. I am over it now.

Before the year is over, I will find better ways to be a community resource. This way just isn’t worth it.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

15 thoughts on “Shave and a Death Threat , One Clip

  1. holly's world says:

    We need boundaries, believe it or not. Even Christians. Some people think that as Christians we are to be walked all over and taken advantage of…which is not true, nor should it be allowed to happen. In any case, most judgement should be between you and God.

  2. Under the mask.. says:

    Sometimes it helps most to remember the Master forewarned His followers about many things, like in Mt 5:10-12. Hang in there!

  3. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    Oh, my sometimes the evil and unwell really come out. Boundaries are so necessary in our lives and in the walk with Christ. I am glad you and your family are safe.

  4. Omatra7 says:

    Yup have to have boundaries totally!!

    Lol looks cold over there … brrr 🥶

    We had rained dumped on us this weekend – all weekend Omg … and was cold!!

    You have snow 😮 I do not miss living in that – to visit is fine but reminds me of New England and having to find car, scrape down, defrost, deice – ugh bleh … but I’m not a winter person so 🤷‍♀️

    That guy was WAY out of bounds!! People today are NUTS!! Be careful with internet!! And maybe people in general ?

    I always think of….

    Lol 🤷‍♀️

  5. equipsblog says:

    Amazing and astonishing the presumptions many feel entitled to demand. Anonymity empowers trolls of all sorts. Good luck.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you. Unfortunately for him, he was not as anonymous as he thought.

  6. kristianw84 says:

    I am glad you are feeling better! I am sorry you have to deal with idiots on the internet. For what it’s worth. I have never seen anything hypocritical from you, and you are the last person I would call rude!

  7. Americaoncoffee says:

    With your share, I think of the Sampson and Delilah story. Sampson’s hair was cut and he lost his strength (I wonder what would happen to Santa should he cut his beard? 🤔toyless or joyless), which brought him to near death. Definitely a death threat. The good news is hearing of your regained health and too well wishes for the wife’s regained health. Best wishes for the season and always!🔔☕️☕️🔔

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