Rambling and Blog Opinions By Brothers Campfire

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

If you ever wonder about the apostrophe, It is for the Google Search. Most days, I avoid the apostrophe.

When I started out, my website was not as visible in some areas due to it. I suppose I should be frustrated with an algorithm over punctuation.

Yesterday was a long one.

I cleaned the garage.

Between Thirteen Year Veteran and and all the shenanigans I get involved with, it gets messy quick.

Then I completed yard work.

45 bags of mulch was distributed to the driest parts of the lawn. I plan to moderately weed the mulch, but mow around it. It will look rather like a nature preserve when the grass, weeds, and wildflowers grow tall in between the woodchips in preplanned random pattern in the lawn.

30,000 Fitbit steps in, I went to bed. Save Sunday, there are no days off at Willow Manor.

There are few days off at Brother’s Campfire either. While I do not post every day as time prevents, I am always on the lookout for the next topic.

When we find a new normal with my family, I plan on writing stories again. Looking back, some of my chapters got as few as a dozen views.

I can probably get away with a reset and steal old characters. Marvel and DC do it every once in a while, but suppose they are not the virtue signal I want to follow.

Views are only part of Brothers Campfire. I do like the dopamine rush of likes and comments,. However, I would rather type my heart away and give more honest opinions.

I have given honest opinions. I was warned my traffic would diminish, and it did.

This route has culled followers for sure, but the meaningful connections are much more enriching. (By the way, you are more than welcome to disagree when I talk about the news. Brothers Campfire comments are a public forum.)

Today, I will discuss closer to home;

Blogs I read today and me chiming in about them.

Homemaking in the Dunes, a frugal, one acre homesteader, discusses a variety of topics. You never know what you will get next. In a recent post, I learned about subscription boxes. It was a really nifty read.

The Re-Farmer had a windy experience giving us a flickering hope that the Dad joke will never die.

Nancy Richy Over at The Elephant’s Trunk Writes stories of life, love, relationships, fantasy, drama, humor and everything in-between. Little Pink Houses wasn’t too shabby if I say so myself.

Neal Saye does not appear to be happy with the state of gun control at the moment. He states;

Sometimes I disagree with Lee Greenwood—and I am not proud to be an American.”

Neal is entitled to feel how he pleases. I personally feel an armed society is a polite society, but I can entertain or round out my thought processes on the matter. While I do not always agree with our country’s direction , I am always proud to be American.

William Manson may possibly get a wee bit of enjoyment of his Scottish heritage in his recounting of a few battles of yesteryear.

Holly From Holly’s World stunned me with her photography and educated me a bit on the use of an ultrasound.


Well, that’s all for now. I will be back soon!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

15 thoughts on “Rambling and Blog Opinions By Brothers Campfire

  1. herbthiel says:

    Some of those blogs sound pretty interesting. I remember the brothers, brother’s, brothers’ question.

  2. Nancy Richy says:

    Good morning, Benjamin! Thank you so much for the comment about my site and the story ‘Little Pink Houses’ in particular, Everyone appreciates being acknowledged for a job well done; we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t feel that way. However, I am just a storyteller. I am not going through a life-altering experience that has shaken me to the core and left me with a thousand questions. That would be you and your amazing family. I came across your post fairly recently and began putting the pieces together. Last night I binge read your post to bring myself up-to-date. I was left somewhat speechless and in awe. More than once I had to wipe away a tear. I asked myself (not for the first time) “why do bad things happen to good people?” The only answer I can come up with is God knows who can handle the tough stuff and while it seems unspeakably unfair, your grace and acceptance of what is happening is utterly remarkable. So again, I want to thank you – not for the lovely mention but for being a shining example to everyone. As I said earlier I’m just a storyteller; you and your ‘Beloved’ are the quiet, humble heroes of the world. Thank you for showing us how to walk through life with gracious acceptance. I wonder if you know the meaning of the name Benjamin? It is ‘the son of the right hand’. How beautifully appropriate! You, my friend, are a good man and it’s a privilege to have made your acquaintance. Many blessings to you and your family and may God smile upon you.

  3. Valerie Cullers says:

    Hang in there. The number of followers does not translate into likes, reads or comments. Usually we each have a few that follow and comment on each of our blogs. That is why bloggers who go after numbers are usually disappointed. Blogging was more meaningful when I had 50 to 100 followers and they were engaged in my blogs and I in theirs.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Meaningful Connections is where it is at. I could not agree with you more Valerie. I appreciate you!

  4. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View says:

    Some interesting blogs Benjimen I will check them out $% bags og Mulch?? wow I thought 10 was a lot
    Laughter is best when it’s hardest

  5. Petra says:

    Don’t worry about the likes and comments, really. Since we are working on the home renovation, I haven’t had much time to blog or catch up with other blogs and my views dropped a lot, but I love that I’ve made connections with people enough that I can always come back and say hi. And when I’ll have enough time, I’ll start with proper blogging again. It’s better to take a break than to write superficial content when your heart is not in it.

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