I brought some French Roast and the Campfire!☕ 🔥 I also brought additional fruits and vegetables! 🍎🍏🍊🍋🍒🍇🍉🍓🍑🍈🍐🍍🍌🍠🍆🍅🌽🌶🥝
They are well! Good morning!
Someone may bad mouth this!
Me as well. Perhaps I will do something in the yard or garage. Did you make breakfast?
Yes, you need to give dentures to gummy bears.
It is like a bear with no teeth.
I do not know the context. If you give little pieces of your heart away frequently, you could become heartless!
Ha ha!! Ok! You as well. Are you keeping it together over there?
Thinking is good!!!!
Well, if you give an alligator a vest, you get an investigator.