Brothers Campfire Prayers,Trails, Trials, and Neckties, Necessary?


Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

I am sitting in a car waiting for my mother to finish her doctor’s appointment. Pray for her, she is not doing well. 

Later today, I will try on a lot of clothing for my new job. This brings a high level of anxiety for me as it is the fear of the unknown.

I can sleep outside in the winter; the game trails and forest are familiar to me. Facing an angry gang member in a prison is commonplace.

But so help me, I am afraid of dress shoes, buttons, and neckties. There just ain’t no good can come of it. Yes, I understand wearing Sunday go-to-meeting attire on the Lord’s day, but every day? What will become of me? 

I take solace in writing about today. I am concerned. 

Writing is a relatively new craft for me and I have written about 100,000 words in the Ongoing Tale. There are a few plot holes, but I feel it was a good start in exploring the realm of fiction. 

Self-expression in the form of art is important to me and I am thinking of starting the tales again, but somewhere new, with new characters.  

I have been dabbling with the idea of a western or a steampunk theme.  I have also been interested in a World War 3 type scenario. 

One of the options is using the existing world so I can go back to it if I so desire. 

For the few die-hard fans of the Ongoing Tale, I believe that may be the best route, but who knows, we will have to see. 

If I shelf La Longi, I will make a page with all the chapters for easy reference.

As I move forward, I am open to ideas from you, my readers. 

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

77 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Prayers,Trails, Trials, and Neckties, Necessary?

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks Greg. I have not forgotten the idea of consuming ridiculous amounts of sushi 🍣 !

      1. Greg Taniguchi says:

        I’ll email you today, I’ve just been buried with work… things have been good. Also, off of Arapahoe/Centennial, there’s a legit sushi bar

  1. Nikki says:

    I hope your Mother gets well soon, and I’m sending you so many positive vibes. You, and your Mother, are in my thoughts.

  2. Amber says:

    Praying. Have fun with the fashion show.

  3. ellie894 says:

    Thoughts and prayers 🙏
    Remember not to count the lions 🦁☺️

  4. YouLittleCharmer says:

    1. Sending all the love and good wishes to you and your Mom
    2. God luck with the new job
    3. Even if you shelf your ongoing tale please, please, don’t stop writing my friend 🖤🖤

  5. Rooted Within says:

    Prayers for peace for you and your mother. I liked hearing about your reality now. It rings peace to know the unknown is a common fear. That a change in lifestyle is scary and personal. Thanks for sharing and 5 stars to developing a fictional story… I’ve recently been going off dreams I’ve had to create short fictional stories.

  6. Herb says:

    Thanks for taking your mom to the doc. She has ups and downs.
    I like LaLongi but it would be interesting to see your take on other genres.

  7. Lookoom says:

    I understand the worries, the concerns, the changes, it sucks the energy out of the creative process. There will be better days ahead!

  8. Omatra7 says:

    Ohhh!! 🙏🙏 prayers for your mother 🙏🙏🙏 I hope she is ok!!

    I like steam punk ❤️✌️ – that would be my vote

    And you are a suit now… embrace it!! Woo hoo!!

    It’s different behind a desk than out and about – I am curious to see how you view that.

    I think is exciting!! And it’s nice to be looking all nice 🙌 I think you will love it!! You gonna get used to being a suit lol

    I hope your mum be ok 🙏😘prayers for you!

          1. Benjamin says:

            I did. Parts of them are being altered, and I will do a post about what was purchased and how they will be mixed and matched.

  9. Beverly says:

    Praying for her constantly. Praying for a smooth transition into your new role. Don’t let the blessing be camouflaged in apprehension of the dress attire.

    I love westerns! Any story around westerns would be amazing!!! You will do well in whatever you decide to do, nephew.

  10. KT Workman says:

    Starting a new job is stressful, but I’m sure you’ll settle in soon.
    Never, ever, stop writing, it keeps you sane—at least it does me.
    And I hope your mom is better soon.

  11. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View says:

    Prayers for you Mother and congratulations on gaining the noose of success. I wore a tie for over twenty years. It is intimidating

    Laugh! What has frowning ever done for you?

  12. cheriewhite says:

    Sending loving thoughts and prayers for your mother and for you. And wishing you nothing but success on your book, whether it’s a western, WWIII type story, or other! God bless you, Ben!

  13. windsofchange18 says:

    I am thinking and paying for your mom. Good luck but I think you will do great! Your personality is contagious, 😊

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate them. Than k you for your prayers.

  14. The Paltry Sum says:

    Praying for your mom, and that you don’t find the new job too dull. Stay safe! Your friend tps

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you TPS! 🤠🔥The Job is an exciting adventure and I haven’t officially transferred yet. April Fools Day is my first day.

      1. The Paltry Sum says:

        Yikes! That is a little foreboding! Fewer angry gang members? A little fluffier? Im watching Orange is the new black and sitting here with a concerned look on my face! WW3 also sounds like a potentially fun story. I think you should do it! Resistance members and bombs away…could be fun!

        1. Benjamin says:

          Thanks for the suggestions! I am in a role where I can provide assistance to offenders.

          1. The Paltry Sum says:

            That sounds so positive! I hope you make some good inroads into helping people, it does sound like it is a good move for you!

          2. The Paltry Sum says:

            I can see an updated Resistance movement, world war three, good guys, bad guys, redemption and tough decisions, I think it might fit quite well into your existing world paradigm

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