Physical and Occupational Therapy after a Stroke

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Today was full of new experiences with my Beloved home from the hospital.

This morning, she was able to make eggs without assistance and prepare breakfast burritos. If you read my last post, you can learn all about them!

Then she put the a roast in the crockpot.

My Beloved has a business in retail arbitrage and people ordered products. She thought she was in vacation mode.

There isn’t a handrail on the right side of the stairs to the basement so I had to carry her down and set her in a chair.

My mother-in-law helped her get numerous packages labeled. She will be part of helping inventory and store Isabel’s product in such a way where she can continue working on her business.

My Beloved’s business is very important to her and so is her gaming. She played several intense games of Rummikub with her mother.

After breakfast and business, we bundled the Lady of the Manor up for warmth and she walked about 95 yards/87 meters.

Physical Therapy After a Stroke

On the return, I learned how to wheel up curbs and did so several times. This particular wheelchair has a lever in the back to make it easier.

Today, my Beloved went out in public for the first time since December second. I drove her to the post office to deliver her packages, we picked up printed FMLA paperwork from my parents house, and then to the supermarket.

For working the muscle memory, she scanned the items and used a debit card to pay. We both learned a lot about being in the chair and pushing one while shopping. It isn’t exactly easy without a basket.

When we got home, we partook of my Beloved’s roast. It was delicious!

Well, that is all for now! On to new adventures!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

68 thoughts on “Physical and Occupational Therapy after a Stroke

  1. Ryan Callahan says:

    You two are an inspiration! God bless you both, your kids, and your whole family! Praying for you all.

  2. Purple Rose says:

    I’m so happy she is home! She looks fantastic. Beautiful bride you have there Benjamin. 💕

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks Purple Rose! We are taking this one day at a time! 🤠🔥

  3. Marlapaige says:

    I’m so glad she’s doing so well! The easiest way to go grocery shopping with a wheel chair is jf the person in the chair pushes a cart (even for just 3 things – baskets are unwieldy), and the non-chair one pushes the chair. It’s like a choo choo train of groceries. Fair warning though – standing, your perspective and vantage point is a lot better, so you have to be able to predict when someone is going to randomly stop or cross without noticing. The grocery cart, being pushed by someone in a wheel chair, generally will end up buried in their ankles if not careful.

    Wow it’s been a while since I thought about wheelchairs and grocery stores. I kind of miss it.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Great advice, thank you! I will give this a try! I suppose you could find someone to push you in a wheelchair if you miss it! 🤠🔥

      1. Marlapaige says:

        Lol no. I always did the pushing. And somehow my mother managed to run over every single person in the store, including me, at least 50x a trip lol then they motorized those ankle biting things. If she wasn’t smashing into your legs, she had it set to rabbit and would run over your feet. Or, when you’re secure in your safety behind her, randomly slam it to turtle so you walk smash into it and bang the front of your calves on the battery. I hated doing it with a passion. One hour at the store would turn into two weeks of bruises from the knees down, but I miss it. I miss arguing about whether or not I could actually really reach the tippy top shelf without bringing the whole store down on my head just for her to decide she didn’t really want that one. She wanted the one that was eye-level to her the whole time. I miss the general stupidity of trying to shop with someone who has no idea what they want but has a true gift for smashing everything in her way (it wasn’t new. It’s how she’d steer the cart before she ever needed a wheelchair too lol). It’s silly things you miss. And when she’s all better, you’re going to both realize there are silly parts that you’ll miss about the wheelchair you both don’t like right now. Because you both realize how truly lucky you are right now. I hope you always remember that, but on harder days, the simplicity of pushing a wheelchair into an entire stand of cookies by mistake can always bring a smile to your face. Especially when you end up buying a few because they happen to be your favorite cookie and since you’ve never done it before, it must totally be a sign that the two of you need quadruple stuffed cotton candy flavored Oreos lol

        1. Benjamin says:

          My wife and I thought thos was hilarious! Thank you! It reminds me of my late grandmother! 🤠🔥

          1. Marlapaige says:

            That’s awesome! I’m glad you both liked it- it’s good to find enjoyment after being stuck in limbo for a really long time. Thankfully, neither of my grandmothers needed wheel chairs. I never met one, but the other could have used a Tesla for sure. it would have saved us all the one foot on the gas and the other on the brake and the excruciating nausea of being a passenger as she screamed at the other cars that they were going to slow (you could put a 40 car train between her and the car in front of her! Man alive, she was a horrible driver. Grandfather was good, right up until he decided he was Evil Kineval with me in the car!

          2. Marlapaige says:

            Oh yes! He truly was. Until that moment. Missing your exit on a major interstate and just throwing it in reverse without warning…. I thought he was TRYING to murder me! He magically pulled it off, but I was so shaken (not stirred) that I could barely breathe. The worst part? The next exit took us to the same place!!!

          3. Benjamin says:

            Haha! It is those moments that help shape us into who we are. I bet you have a little of your Grandparent’s spirit.

          4. Marlapaige says:

            Oh I do! I drive like a nutcase too – but never in reverse on an interstate LOL

          5. Benjamin says:

            Hmmm…. I imagine there are other comparables like work, relationships, going out and about……

          6. Marlapaige says:

            Probably. I never knew him when he was my age. I know he held down multiple jobs at several points to make sure ends met. I’m doing it now. So, yes. In many ways.

  4. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    Wow😀so much improvement and photos all lovely 🙏🌷♥️So happy to read that her mom is there👍🏻🙏
    She is young and willpower also , she started bravely her own business issues and you also helping her !!
    God’s Grace always be there with you two and family 🙏👏💕 Stay safe ✨

      1. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

        Yes, she slowly want to start her business and occupy herself 🙏🌷
        So she won’t be bored, and with help of physio she can move
        the other hand slowly 👌😊Her weak hand and leg , you can slowly
        apply ice bags for blood circulation !! You buy small ball and give ,
        She must try to catch , don’t force !! These all we can try 👍🏻♥️

  5. Giada says:

    I’m so happy she is home! 🥰❤️ I send a very big hug for you and for your wonderful wife! 🙏❤️🌹

  6. Hobbo says:

    She is one amazing lady, Benjamin. All the very best to you and your lovely family.

  7. Cindy Georgakas says:

    Such great news! Ben you make it sound easy…great caregiving and love for your wonderful beloved! 💖

  8. tamburelli’sThankfulnessandlove says:

    I am so proud of Isabel!! She has come such a long ways! And with your help and support ( faithfulness) being by your beautiful bride side all the way big brother, it’s so beautiful to hear and watch . You all show a very beautiful example in so many ways… Team work, love, and trust. Each of you are a huge inspiration in my life. Praying continually for you all!

  9. Jeff says:

    Roast looks yummy! Good progress! I assume that, since you have not mentioned, it, you are not close to those terrible wildfires.

    1. Benjamin says:

      The roast was fantastic! She did a great job!

      The wildfires are North of me and the smoke has not come our direction.

  10. Eugi says:

    I am so glad to see both of you moving forward with your beloved’s therapy. You are inspirational.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks, Eugi! It is a new trail for us to walk and we are in it together.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks Jay! I appreciate you! You are an artist at encouragement, inside and out! 🤠🔥

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