Benjamin Thiel 17th Anniversary Adventure Part 2

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Gather ’round and I will spin you a tale about our anniversary trip!

Day 2 of our trip left us a little more acclimated to the altitude and we woke on good spirits. The Yankee Boy Basin Road and other setbacks were just part of the adventure. First things first, we needed to make the water drinkable with our Sawyer Squeeze.

Breakfast was coffee and oatmeal made with mountain runoff water. The water was very clean and tasty.

One Cup Each. Hot water is a luxury in the wilderness as fires are not allowed.

We had visitors, but they kept thier distance and we did not have to share.

I was expecting other visitors and they never showed. If Bigfoot exists, this is where they would live. The night before, I gave the traditional greeting.

Perhaps they came by and I was sleeping. We did hear footsteps in the middle of the night.

We packed our backpacks and began the descent. I weighed in with a 31 pound pack and my Beloved’s was 26 pounds for a total of 57 pounds.

We opted for a spacious tent, (4 pounds) Cookware, (2 pounds), foam pads and blow up mattresses (5 pounds), extra layers, (2 pounds) and extra food, (2 pounds)

Likely, we could have shaved 15 pounds of weight off, but we lived well up there and were ready for trouble.

On our way down, the scenery was amazing. The whole mountainside was a mix of waterfalls and wildflowers.



On the way up, we were mission-focused. On the way down, we saw the gravity and seriousness of being prepared and extra careful.

The drive down was much more sketchy than the drive up and I used my sport shifter to control my speed. For those of you that read my last post, this will look familiar but from the other direction.

All was well, and then there were the hours of waiting for Highway 50 to open. At one point, we had an hour to kill so we ate the dinner we missed the night before on the side of the road. I believe we were the envy of all as we sipped flavored water from plastic wine glasses.

Well, that is all for now! I look forward to catching up on all the blog posts I have missed and hearing from you in the comments below!

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Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

53 thoughts on “Benjamin Thiel 17th Anniversary Adventure Part 2

  1. Jyothi says:

    What an adventure trip! The Yankee Boy Road looks scary , but views are incredible. Great Captures!!

  2. herbthiel says:

    Very cool. Mountain roads are very dangerous but worth it. Glad you guys had a good time. Beautiful. Your Sasquatch call sounded good but I think it should have been a little more screechy.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I like mountain roads.
      I will work on the call as it may be what is preventing me from sighting the elusive creature.

  3. Beverly says:

    Thank you so much, nephew, for sharing this awesome adventure with us! Now this is the way to celebrate a wedding anniversary…not every year, but every other year! 😂

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! Well, we went on an adventure for our 15th anniversary so we are on schedule.

      1. Beverly says:

        Haha, that’s what I’m talking about! 19th anniversary…adrenaline rush and enjoying God’s beautiful country continues!

  4. Shobana Gomes says:

    What a fantastic way to celebrate your anniversary. Happy Anniversary! Gorgeous scenery.

  5. kagould17 says:

    An awesome time and awesome photos, Benjamin. I remember my 3 day back country hike in 2019. Due to bad knees, my beloved could not join. I do recall that Starbucks Viva instant coffee mixed real well with Carnation hot choco for some fine Trailer Park Mocha. Stay well. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      We all had a good chuckle about your coffee comment! I hope your Beloved is in good health and spirits.

      1. kagould17 says:

        Still want to show her the sights I saw, but that could take a helicopter ride. ☕⛰😁

  6. Geoff Stamper says:

    It looks like the driver of that overturned vehicle has been stranded for a long time.

  7. KK says:

    Beautiful memories! Happy blogiversary! Congratulations 🎉

  8. Angie says:

    Happy Anniversary! And wow! That drive looks so intense, I actually had butterflies in my stomach and needed to hold my breath watching it! Beautiful photos, I’m sure bigfoot would be proud 😉

  9. Cherryl says:

    Happy anniversary, and wow, what a lovely adventure, with more happy memories for you both

      1. Cherryl says:

        Have a lovey rest of the weekend too – you’re welcome 🤗

  10. Greg Taniguchi says:

    I need tk get out more, haha. Although I do have the vid and pictures to virtually travel

  11. Cassa Bassa says:

    I am catching up blog reading too. And I am gonna read part one next….this part 2 looks like a successful ‘mission’ filled with great food and romantic company!

  12. JPC Allen says:

    Thanks for following my blog! Beautiful photos. Congrats on your anniversary!

  13. JANHVI KATARIA says:

    I also wish you and your wife a very happy marriage anniversary. May god always bless you both with lots of happiness 😊

  14. Soni Cool😎 says:

    Brilliant journey benjamin👏🏻👏🏻💖💖 and yeah same here, adventure lover😃 happy anniversary my friend💖

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