Brothers Campfire on New Horizons To Contemplate

The forecast of snow was preceded by the numerous fires in Colorado resulting in a cloudy, bleak, ash filled sky that refused to allow the sun to shine its brightest. 

Mid Afternoon Sun


Don’t Look At The Sun

Regardless, Labor Day was relaxing with a feast of hamburgers, hot dogs, homemade potato salad and refreshing watermelon. I took few pictures and contemplated instead. 

Because The Original Is Not Suitable For All Demographics

Time has crept up on me and I thought of my daughter. Born at one pound, twelve ounces, and in the hospital for seventy-nine days, the feisty little girl has already seen some stormy weather. It snowed when she was born, when transported between hospitals, and when she was stable enough to come home. I wrote a smidgen about it on Quora if you are interested.

Look at the Bic Pen. Tiny Tiny

Thoughtful God must be, as it has uniquely snowed on her first day of high school, something that has not happened here on this date for twenty years. 

To my daughter:

If you read this down the road, I must say that you are a fine young lady and God has plans for your life. Keep fighting the good fight and weather the storm. You were born in one. I am uncommon proud of you. 

My Grandmother, who passed in February holding my daughter

Sending folks off to school was a little different change of pace. We almost did not know what to do with ourselves but we figured it out. After sending out some packages for my Beloved’s business, we went bargain shopping at the Goodwill outlet.

How People Are Doing Business

She was able to find around twenty-five or so items to resell and I was able to find a few things as well to include a paper airplane kit,

tablet keyboard,

It worked! Zoom in!

and a coffee cup for around five dollars.


Is that a win or what?  Five dollars well spent. We came home with our loot, made a pot of coffee and went on a walk. You know, I think my Beloved is keen on me walking. She is supporting the 50 miler I am looking at.

I think she said, “take a hike!”

Picking up everyone from school was refreshing. COVID has brought us very close and there was an emptiness without them.

In all my contemplating these last few days I will say, don’t take things for granted.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

101 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire on New Horizons To Contemplate

    1. Benjamin says:

      It was chilly! We got a little snowfall over here. Enjoy I did!

      1. magicalnormal says:

        We just had a little bit as well. However, first day of school and we had indoor recess. Lol

        1. Benjamin says:

          I hope my tomatoes don’t freeze. I should have covered them. Indoor recess? Boo! First day of school over there as well?

          1. magicalnormal says:

            I have a feeling our plants won’t like this weather. 🙁 First day of in school learning for kindergarten-2nd grades in D49. It was great to have kids in the classroom today!!

          2. Benjamin says:

            I bet it was nice to have class! My students are the incarcerated. 🙊

          3. Benjamin says:

            Ha ha! Nope! I think it funny that when I was a child I wished to be an adult so I would not have to get up for school. Now I get them up for school and send myself to work.

  1. Kristin Aragon says:

    I love this story. My son was born weighing 1 lb 15 oz and taught us all about unconditional love and all the things we should never take for granted. He passed days before his sixth birthday, but he brought beauty to everything and everyone.

    Enjoy that daughter of yours. They do grow up so very fast.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am sorry for your loss. We indeed do not know what the future has in store. Kristin, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Petra says:

    Your daughter looks like a fighter, which is a good quality to have. At this point I’m not even sure if I should be saying stay safe from the fires or corona or snowstorms, 2020 really is a nasty year.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Petra, it has been a very tough year. I am looking up and putting one foot in front of the other. Here, I made cookies!🤠🔥🍪🍪🍪👩

      1. Petra says:

        Cookies always make everything better! Hopefully we’ll all get through this intact

        1. Benjamin says:

          I think there will be some growing, but we will! Unfortunately for me my growth is not a matter of height. My waistline keeps expanding. 😄

          1. Petra says:

            Hahaha same here, but that’s ok. We can always exercise more

          2. Benjamin says:

            Well, I did 35 miles, 56 km the other day. I think it is a good progression. I would have to save a lot to be able to go.

          3. Petra says:

            I’m thinking of doing Camino de Santiago or the Kings way in Sweden this year, seems like a good socially distanced holiday if I avoid the popular routes.

          4. Benjamin says:

            Those both seem epic! If you come to the US, you should climb Pikes Peak!

          5. Benjamin says:

            Hmmm. If you camp overnight and make it a two day, I think you could handle it.

          6. Petra says:

            We’ll see. Currently visiting looks unlikely anyway 😑

          7. Benjamin says:

            When the ronas over, you can visit Colorado. We have lots of resources to assist your adventure!

          8. Petra says:

            Absolutely, I’d love to! We’ll see when that will be though

          9. Benjamin says:

            You would have top news coverage from your 2 favorite bloggers.

  3. hcmorris77 says:

    Schools were allowed to open in Colorado? Here, in MD, still virtual learning!

    1. Benjamin says:

      It depends. In some areas, yes. Mine attend a small private school where social distancing can be enforced. Expensive, but worth every penny!

      1. hcmorris77 says:

        my sister and I went to private school thru 8th grade, so I understand where you are coming from. I think private schools around here are still closed. But I have to check that…

  4. Loveblossom says:

    Brother Ben I wish you and your daughter well. You and your daughter both are strong and fighter as well👍👍👍👍😇♥️🌸🧚‍♀️

  5. achme24gmailcom says:

    Beautiful bro!

  6. Loveblossom says:

    Brother Ben I am nominating you for the liebster award 🤗😇♥️🌸🧚‍♀️

  7. Shanessa 😉💕 says:

    Aww your daughter is beautiful! I have a nephew who was born one pound 9 ounces he was in the hospital for a whole year he got to come back in December of 2018! He had to get a trache in his neck and he had that for a year and now its out! And he’s learning how to walk! God has brought him through a lot! And he will do the same for your wonderful daughter!

  8. Shanessa 😉💕 says:

    Your daughter is beautiful! I have a 2 year old nephew who was born one pound 9 ounces! He had to get a trache and he’s was at the hospital in Denver Colorado for a whole year! He even died for 7 minutes while he was there! But he came back in December 2018! Now he is learning to walk! And he’s doing great he got his trache out now! God has brought him through a lot! But he got through it and so will your wonderful daughter! I’ll pray for it to happen!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! Amazing Testimony! My Daughter kust started high school so your prayer is answered!

      1. Shanessa 😉💕 says:

        Thats awesome! I bet she is a beautiful young lady! I’ll be starting high school next year when I am 14!

        1. Benjamin says:

          Way Cool! You Keep Living For God and Great things will happen!

  9. carlamilho says:

    Great article 🌹I would like to invite you to follow my blog to, thank you so much and I wish you much success 👏👏👏🌻

        1. Benjamin says:

          Nothing to be sorry for. Have a beautiful, warm day in Portugal!

  10. Seoul Sister says:

    Wonderful post. I didn’t realize there were fires happening in Colorado too. Sorry to hear that, California has the same orange skies. Congratulations on your beautiful daughter and I’m sorry for the loss of grandmother. I keep setting WP to get notifications of your post but it turns off. I enjoy reading your blog it’s well written and meaningful.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello Seoul Sister! I rescued this one from the spam pit. My apologies. There have been reports of birds dying by the hundreds due to poor air quality and the drastic change in temperature lately. My beautiful daughter is now 15 going on mentoring the aged. My grandmother died in February on her 90th birthday. She missed Covid 19. In the current situation, she would have died alone and afraid. We were able to sing her happy birthday and tell her goodbye. Now, as for notifications, why not subscribe directly on my website? You can get to the heart and seoul of it all, sister. 🙂

      1. Seoul Sister says:

        No problem. Sad to hear about the birds and air quality. Your daughter is doing important work, the elderly deserve our respect and care. I’m also sorry to hear about your grandmother’s passing, it’s good she avoided the current covid isolation, she sounds very strong and interesting, 90 yrs on this planet is amazing and it’s very synchronous that she passed on her birthday, with good closure.

        My mom also passed away on March 12th, the night before my flight to see her, it was right before the shelter in place began. It’s forever merged with covid now although she died of cancer. I feel like I’m in limbo, a dreamlike feeling, mourning her.

        I’m subscribed to your blog now on WP but it’s good to have your website too. 🌷

        1. Benjamin says:

          Seoul Sister, I am saddened to hear about your loss. This must be a difficult time for you. I will pray God gives you strength in this time. 🌷

          1. Seoul Sister says:

            Thank you, my friend. The shut down of the world and my mom’s passing all feel like the same event because it happened all at once. I appreciate your kind prayers. 🙏💖🙂

          2. Benjamin says:

            That sounds very tough. This year sounds overwhelming for you. Here. I made you some tea! 🍵

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! She is good and ornery this morning, just like her parents.

      How are you faring?

          1. Benjamin says:

            My next goal is walking 50 miles in 24 hours. We will se how that goes.

  11. lensdailydiary says:

    I can relate. My daughter had triplets, born three months premature weighing exactly 2lb each. They were born August 18 and released from hospital November 1. Celebrated their 15th birthday this year and all are doing well. I can’t imagine 1lb 12oz. God Bless you and your family.

    1. Benjamin says:

      That is incredible! Thanks for sharing the story of your grandchildren! God bless you as well!

  12. Julia says:

    God does the miraculous every day! My mother was born in 1930 and was only one pound -thirteen ounces and went on to have 4 children of her own.God is so good.May God Bless you and your family. Be strong in Him.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks for sharing this story Julia! God is indeed wonderful!

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