Monday Morning QB

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

In case you haven’t noticed, my Campfires are notable and renowned to some, but all are welcome.

On Saturday, I thought I embarrassed myself a bit. I was on Nextdoor when I was messaged by an influential politician. Not knowing who they were, I invited them over for coffee and they politely declined as other plans hampered such an idea.

However, they followed up and want to see me. Due to elections, I wont bring up the name here so as not to delve in such things. It was pretty cool.

I am not one to invite the powerful people of this world into my home, but rather those that need a friend or family for that matter.

The favor of God or the favors of fleeting influence is and should be a no brainer.

However, if they do decide to stop by, I will invite a few folks over to hear, because all are welcome.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

10 thoughts on “Monday Morning QB

  1. dumbestblogger says:

    My work has brought me into the homes of various politicians. I have never been more impressed with them when I left than I was when I entered.

  2. TamrahJo says:

    Any person running for public office in service to those they say they will represent? They want to drop in, show up, need a place/info on where to hold a meet & greet, town hall? I’m ALL IN! I live in rural area of county that has many more voters/eligible voters in an urban/suburban corridor of metro area cluster, far from the outlying, not as highly populated areas – a politician or one running to ‘serve’ is willing to show up, open to public, and just give their spiel, do Q&A and listen to constittuents challenges, concerns, passions? I, too, have and would work to find the place, provide refreshments and invite everyone in community to come attend – cuz, even if I did that – well – only needs planning for 68-140 folks or so – dependent upon place, date, time – etc. 😀

  3. Cassa Bassa says:

    All need God and all deserve the Devine encounter. Maybe that’s God’s plan for them to be invited and stopping by.

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