Inshot Inc. Is Silent. Are They Slipshod and Slippery? (Resolved)

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here. (Update 4/17/2021. After A Lot Of Effort, My Paid Account Was Reactivated.)

On August 23rd, 2019 I took the plunge and purchased Video Maker For YouTube – Video.Guru Pro for 9.99 USD.

Link To Product

It was an excellent purchase with lots of bells and whistles. In particular, I liked the ease of use, easy exports and uploads, and no advertising.

My only beef with the product was that the free music provided required attribution, and if you used it, it demonatized your YouTube video.

After reaching out to the “developer”, He did not wish to acknowledge this after numerous contacts. He just focused that with “Pro” the music was free. I countered that the music was available free to download online already, but could not be used for monetizing.

It’s already free to download at Soundcloud without the “free” button that includes a 30 second add. You just cannot use it to make money.

Other than the review, I let it go. I discovered I could get creative commons music here so no big deal.

I now have another beef with Inshot Incorporated.

My purchases are gone and I cannot restore them, limiting what I can do with the application I paid for.

In the fine print, “Removed Evermore”

I am not the only one, so I looked at the advice given by the developer to others with the same problem.

I cleared my cache, uninstalled, reinstalled, and even restarted my phone. No luck.

So, I sent an email to the developer at [email protected] not once, but three times with no answer.

I looked further into where the Chinese-backed Inshot Inc. was located. The address, 2801 Alton Parkway #305 Irvine CA 92606, United States of America is an apartment as far as I can tell.

I will be emailing this link to them in hopes they help me out in getting my software up, but I am not expecting much. I think I will need a new application for my video editing needs.

If anything changes, I will update this post.

Update: 4/16/2020 Within half an hour of sending this link to Inshot they sent me the stock uninstall/reinstall email. It is strange they did not do that in my prior calls for assistance.

You Cut was suggested by a reader so I installed it at.

When installed, it was Inshot as well and identical to Video Maker other than the name. I found this review insightful about the product.

I looked at another offering by Inshot.  Video Editor & Video Maker. Again, same program as Video Maker.


Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

46 thoughts on “Inshot Inc. Is Silent. Are They Slipshod and Slippery? (Resolved)

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am a bit frustrated. I think they want me to purchase it again.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Absolutely. Within half an hour of posting and sending them a link to this post, they finally sent me an email with the same uninstall/reinstall song and dance. We will see.

  1. leendadll says:

    Very expensive apartments in a very expensive area. I’ve had several jobs in that area.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Oh, good to have some boots in the ground experience with the area!

      1. leendadll says:

        Kinda freaked me out when I realized exactly how much of my life has been spent in that area.

        I realize it’s no comfort but I’m pretty sure that complex is the one where, when stopped in traffic, I routinely wondered how on earth they ever got enough open space to drive out of the complex. It was a weird constant traffic jam due to 2 major thoroughfares intersecting.

          1. leendadll says:

            LOL! Yep, been stuck at the intersection for days and can’t get home…

          2. leendadll says:

            Noo… I meant they’re stuck and can’t get home to reply to you!

          3. leendadll says:

            Thanks for posting your experience. I just went to download a screencast app and saw the top choice was from InShot. Because if your post, I picked a different app.

          4. Benjamin says:

            I hope they do the right thing and give me back the access I paid for.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Oh, Good to Know! This gem of a comment was in the “pending” folder. I appreciate it.

      1. leendadll says:

        Dunno whether they’re linked but as another “company” at the same address, it seemed worth extra investigation.

      1. leendadll says:

        Of course.
        Given that it’s a large complex, it’s possible multiple people run home based businesses there… but with only 2 showing up, and neither including an apt/”suite” number, I’m guessing they’re connected.

        Then again, given the price of rent, it’s entirely possible they moved.

  2. leendadll says:

    Check your Comments > Spam folder. My last cooment had links.

    Owner of xcitemarketing: Mastan Soltani

    1. Benjamin says:

      It was pending and is now approved. Is this the parent company of Inshot?

      1. leendadll says:

        I dunno. Just extra info I stumbled onto while checking out the address… literally popped up on its own.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks Bubbles! I just downloaded it and I will check it out. I appreciate it!

    2. Benjamin says:

      Downloaded. It is an Inshot Program identical to the one I purchased with different graphics. It Is a 12 dollar fee to go pro and I already paid.

      1. leendadll says:

        I hope it works out! I’ve only used the free version… super easy to edit on a phone… though I always always always trim videos incorrectly on my 1st try. Always.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I like free! I also don’t mind paying. That is, if I am not being ripped off.

    3. Benjamin says:

      I looked at two different apps by inshot. They are identical to what I am using and have complaints about non restored purchases.

      1. leendadll says:

        I use very few pay apps because I don’t trust developers.

        I’m a huge fan of iobit security and optimization apps. Great products but they tried to get me to renew annual subscriptions 5 months early.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I do not pay for many and I got 2 years before they burned me. If you look at my post, I updated it with two other examples from the company.

          I try to avoid subscription services as they tend to do what you describe.

  3. hcmorris77 says:

    When I make videos, I make them in PhotoShop…it’s really just a slideshow, so may not work for you. The music I use is either from YouTube or bensound, which is free – with acknowledgement. I do it just as another form to see my photos.
    I haven’t made a slideshow in a while…but plan on it again soon, but simplified…
    I’ve included a link to one, if you want to see:

    1. Benjamin says:

      It took a few days and a little grumpy to get it ironed out.

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