Hello Friends!
I took Marty The Motivated Mower for a spin and cut some of the higher grass in the lawn. It is still April so it is not out of control yet, especially on the duck side of the yard!

I am using the clippings to feed my ducks. It is effective and saves on my feed bill. I tend to ask neighbors if I can mow their lawn for free and they get a little weirded out. I don’t want them to know my secret or they may charge me.

I have 15 more birds on the way so I am saving milk jugs to make waterers for the ducks and gosling.

Anyways, I am using a razor blade to cut out the circle indent on the side.

The ducklings will be able to drink from it but not be able to poop in it, keeping the water cleaner and the birds healthier. They are also easy to clean and refill.

The day cannot be finished at Willow Manor Urban Farm without showing you what I had for dinner!

That’s it for now folks! I am hanging it up and going to bed! Have a blessed, beautiful day!
That plan sounds just ducky.
3 points for cleaver pun.
I think the cleaver will be used later after they’ve got some meat on their bones. 🙂
Comment below… wp is being buggy
It sounds like an idyllic way to spend the day and a good way to cut down on plastic waste. Well done and very innovative.
Thank you!
I was thinking of you yesterday when some show profiled an urban duck owner who intentionally put out a kiddie pool for his ducks to contain their poop and use it for fertilizer.
Ha ha! They self fertilize the yard. I rotate them for this purpose.
6 more points because I actually laughed out loud when I saw the typo!!!
The ducks are cute!!!! YEAH clipping is the best way!!!!
That was amazing, I loved the idea of water jugs for ducks. Left Duck looks rather amused. 🙂
I believe birds are smarter than we believe them to be. As soon as this thought becomes rooted, they prove me wrong! My ducks have a lot of personality, and sometimes that far exceeds the need for intelligence!
I am sure they are more intelligent than they let us know!
I agree. My goose is pretty smart. How are you and yours faring today?
As India is on lockdown, everybody is staying home. I am blessed to be living comfortably with my family amidst all this (touches wood). Thanks for asking.
I hope you are recovering and your loved ones are doing fine.
I do have cold symptoms, but I think that is all. I am blessed with comfort as well, friend!
Get well soon, Ben. That’s is very reassuring, stay blessed!
You as well, friend! Do you play any card or board games?
Not that much, but I love playing Poker and Bluff, UNO . In board games I like monopoly and ludo too (I don’t know if you guys have UNO and ludo but they are quite popular in India).
Which games do you like to play?
I like UNO and Skip-Bo but I do not play poker. Monopoly is way too competitive! I get way too involved. There is a complex game called Settlers of Catan that me and my family enjoy. I have never played Ludo, but it looks similar to Sorry.
Oooh cool! This one sounds interesting ‘Settlers of Catan’, I haven’t heard of it but I look forward to playing it.
Me and my sister enjoy playing ludo, she more than me (that’s the main reason that we end up playing it 😉 )
I think you would like it!
I’ll definitely try it sometime, hopefully it is available here.
This is a link to how the game os played. I do not know how accurate ot is because I do not speak Hindi.
thanks, Ben, I’ll definitely check it out.
Pretty sure Tom Sawyer would charge for the mowing and still take the clippings.
I agree. I am glad I read the original several times. Might need to add that to the book tag assignment!
It’s a goodun.
Thank you! I read my first day!
You’re welcome!
Alright… let me get over there.
I’m trying to figure out what to do, but my mom just called me. I’ll get to it soon.
Listening to your mom is good!
I’m done. I see you have a check by your name. Is it just the devotional?
Looks like. I completed day one as soon as I got up.
Ok but what do I do?
Find the plan and read it so you get a check mark ✔
I did.
Yes maam, you did! Awesome job!
I think I know what I’m doing now. Thanks for your help.
Yay! Read your Bible pray every day and you will grow grow grow
Kind of sounds like a song I learned when I was 5.
Don’t read your Bible don’t pray every day and you’ll shrink shrink shrink.
Yeah. Now I remember!
Now, you get to put it into practice!!!
Yep. 1 day down… I feel pretty good.
Hey cowboy I have nominated you for The Sunshine Blogger Award. I hope you will accept it and that you enjoy answering the questions. Here is the link to the award https://debbyseo.wordpress.com/2020/04/06/sunshine-blogger-award/ If you have any questions just ask — With love, Debby Winter
Thank you! I will have a look!
Your the best it would be great to have you on board 😀
The ducks are so sweet!
They are very neat! I am ordering 15 more! Maybe I will name one Tish!
That’s wonderful! Aw that would make my day!❤️
When I get them May 11th, remind me!
Will do!❤️
I’ve always wished I had pets! What’s it like?
It is work Tish! Birds have distinct personalities and it is fun to watch them! Do you live in the city?
I do! My mother used to have a parrot, but that’s really the only bird my family has ever kept as a pet.
Parrots are neat! I am away too much to bond with one.
Oh, I see. I agree, parrots would be very interesting and funny pets to have.
I had a parakeet for a while, but it dashed outside and froze to death. It was sad. Ducks and geese are my going thing!
Oh gosh! My apologies for your loss. Ducks and geese are just as cute and interesting.❤️
It is quite alright. That was years ago. Are you doing anything unique during the lock down?
Not particularly. I am just relaxing at home. You?
To stay isolated, I plan on foraging for cattail roots, believe it or not!
Wow! Good luck with that!
Ha ha! Thank you!
No problem!
Sorry, forgot to mention – I’ve nominated you for an award. Do check it out on my blog for more information.❤️
Thank you! You are welcome to leave a link here as well!