Brothers Campfire I Love You, Friend -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 158

Reader Discretion Advised.Trigger Warning.

Jeptha’s Journal 2/29/2020

I am Jeptha. I write on parchment. The broken wagon made me sad. 

Travellers lost their belongings. 

I lost my toys and playthings when I was kidnapped by the creatures. 

When mom and dad said I was not their son, I had no more belongings.

 I have a shell that Wispy gave me, but it is empty like me.  I know what loss feels like

The creatures were scary and did cruel things to me. They bit me and now I am horrid. 

I went to seek those that bit me, but they were already dead. I held bitterness for dead creatures. They were pitiful small creatures, but so big when I was a child.


I do not know what being with family is. I see Brother with wife and children. Ahusaka same. 

Maybe I be father some day. Brother says it can wait, go explore forest. 

I explore. The wagon oxen were eaten by thunderbirds. They are very big. I do not know where the family is that lost cart. 

Mean thunderbirds. 

I make patches for my clothes. Johns’s mother made them. They wear out fast. I will kill a deer or elk soon to make clothes. It is always so sad. I hate when they die. 

Sometimes I must be predator and kill them. Brother says it is ok if I eat them.

He also says it is ok to be sad. Wispy Sapling told me to leave a gift for deer family. 

I leave them I’m sorry presents. 


Shepherd Crook Man says I am not yenaldooshi or skin walker. He says my skin is sick, but my heart is in right place

I can hear my heart beat. I don’t know if it is in the right place for sure. 

I see love today on the nearby ponds.

 Two geese froze to death trapped in ice. Their necks touched. I think they say “ I love you, friend.” They faced each other.

I want to be like the geese that way, and say, “ I love you friend.” 

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

7 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire I Love You, Friend -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 158

    1. Benjamin says:

      The Beast is a very emotional creature. Thank you for reading.

  1. leendadll says:

    Well, sonofabitch… I didn’t know that was a trigger till it was.
    Great story. I cried a whole bunch over the ending.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Jeptha the Beast has a different way of expression than others. Thank you for dropping by, friend.

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