Howdy, Everyone!

I’m Cherie White. I’m a Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, author, blogger and Advocate/Activist for bullied children and teens. I’m also a loyal Prince fan. I reside in Covington, TN and love God, spending time with family and friends, reading personal development, music, swimming, inner-tubing, camping, hiking and skydiving.

I’m the author of 4 books, a memoir entitled, “From Victim to Victor (A Survivor’s True Story of Her Experiences with School Bullying. How She Overcame, Won Back Her Confidence and Found Peace and Happiness)” and Fictions entitled, “Townies, Cronies and Hayseeds (One Woman’s Struggle Against the Underbelly of Small Town Politics),” “The Vow of Chastity Baker,” and “Kids Under the Latch Key.”

It is my hope that I get to know everyone here at the campfire and to be an asset to an already awesome community here.

It is my hope that my blog, @ will reach victims and survivors of bullying everywhere and help them win back confidence, boost their self-esteem, and empower themselves.

My other websites are

I’m so glad to be here and I want to thank Ben Thiel for inviting me and making me a part of this community. I also want to thank him for 2 years of friendship and support. I’ve met some truly awesome people in the blogosphere who enrich my life more than they know.

Author: Cherie White

Cherie is a Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, author, blogger and Advocate/Activist for bullied children and teens. She is also a loyal Prince fan. She resides in Covington, TN and loves God, spending time with family and friends, reading personal development, music, swimming, inner-tubing, camping, hiking and skydiving.’ It is her hope that the Chateau Cherie blog will reach victims and survivors of bullying everywhere and help them win back confidence, boost their self-esteem, and empower themselves. She is the author of 4 books, a memoir entitled, “From Victim to Victor (A Survivor’s True Story of Her Experiences with School Bullying. How She Overcame, Won Back Her Confidence and Found Peace and Happiness)” and Fictions entitled, “Townies, Cronies and Hayseeds (One Woman’s Struggle Against the Underbelly of Small Town Politics),” “The Vow of Chastity Baker,” and “Kids Under the Latch Key.”

Author: Cherie White

Cherie is a Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, author, blogger and Advocate/Activist for bullied children and teens. She is also a loyal Prince fan. She resides in Covington, TN and loves God, spending time with family and friends, reading personal development, music, swimming, inner-tubing, camping, hiking and skydiving.’ It is her hope that the Chateau Cherie blog will reach victims and survivors of bullying everywhere and help them win back confidence, boost their self-esteem, and empower themselves. She is the author of 4 books, a memoir entitled, “From Victim to Victor (A Survivor’s True Story of Her Experiences with School Bullying. How She Overcame, Won Back Her Confidence and Found Peace and Happiness)” and Fictions entitled, “Townies, Cronies and Hayseeds (One Woman’s Struggle Against the Underbelly of Small Town Politics),” “The Vow of Chastity Baker,” and “Kids Under the Latch Key.”

10 thoughts on “Howdy, Everyone!

  1. Benjamin says:

    Hello! Thanks for stopping by the Campfire!
    May this be a forever home! Lets face bullies together, friend! 🤠🔥

  2. Webb Blogs says:

    I have been following Cherie’s blog for about a year now and love that she is spreading awareness and helping many people people. Her blog is wonderful.

  3. elvira797mx says:

    Great post! Cherie is amazing and her blog too! Thanks for share.
    Have a wonderful time!

  4. Petra says:

    Well done, that sounds like important work, because bullying needs to be bullied out.

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